Chapter 26

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"What?" Sam and Dean cried out at the same time, Sam standing up to pace. Cas stood calmly at the end of the bed, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Have any of your other powers returned?" He asked you, and you shrugged your shoulders.

"I don't know, I haven't tried to use any." You day truthfully.

"But what does this mean? Will you return to being a Demon? Are you still somewhat a Demon?" Dean asked.

Sam stopped pacing, and came to stand beside you, a reassuring look on his face. Placing a hand on your shoulder, he leaned down and whispered in your ear. "Don't worry, no matter what, we will work with it, and live with it."

Glad that he wasn't upset, you listened to the three men make plans, listening to them talk about summoning Crowley, and so on.

Cas and Dean finally left, to make their way to the dungeon where they were going to summon Crowley.

"Do me a favor? Don't hurt him." You yell as they head out the door. He might have been the one to turn you into a Demon, but you still had a soft spot in your heart for him.

Sam had stayed behind, still standing next to you, but he was quiet, lost in his own thoughts.

"Sam?" You say, trying to get his attention.

"Hmm?" He says, not paying much attention. His eyes were on the picture of the three of you, and you wondered what was going through his mind, if he was really okay with you still having Demon powers.

"Sam?" You try again, this time placing a hand on his. Finally he looks down at you, and you melt under the love filling his gaze. All your worries vanished, as you stared into his eyes.

Just then Cas crashed through the door. "Sam, we've got Crowley."

Sam started to leave the room, yelling over his shoulder. "Stay here Y/N, I'll let you know what happens."

Furious that he wanted you to stay behind when it was your life they were tying to fix, you stood up, taking two steps before your body reminded you that you were on the mend, and still fairly weak.

Frustrated, you sat down, trying to figure out what to do. Slapping your forehead because of how stupid you were, you remembered that you could transport.

Closing your eyes, you picture the dungeon, it's grey brick walls, and grey floor with the devils trap burned into it. You pictured the feel of the room, a damp coldness that seeps into your bones, making you chilled no matter how many layers you wore.

You open your eyes to see four sets staring back at yours, blue, green, brown, and hazel. The hazel eyes move fast, rushing towards you as you start to fall to the ground.

"Y/N!" Sam yells, frustrated at you, but worried at the same time. "What the hell were you thinking? You're already weak, transporting twice in one day is not a smart move!"

He carries you to one of the few chairs in the room, sitting you down in it.

"I take it the cure didn't work then. Pity." You heard Crowley say, catching some sarcasm in his tone of voice.

"No, it did work." Sam replied, standing directly in front of Crowley, only the line on the devils trap separating them. "There's just some remaining symptoms."

Looking back and forth between Sam and Crowley, you knew neither man would budge, and you really want answers.

"Crowley, I still can transport, not sure what else yet. But they tested me, and the salt and the Holy water didn't hurt me. Do you have any idea why?"

Crowley finally glanced away from Sam, looking at you. "Interesting. Have you tried a devils trap yet?"

Sam glanced back at you, curiosity on his face as he contemplated Crowley's words. You hadn't tried one yet, and you were curious to see if you could move freely in and out of one. You stand up, and Cas comes over to you, offering you support.

"Why hasn't the winged man over there healed you yet?" Crowley inquired.

"He tried, but it wouldn't work all the way." Sam replied, watching you as you slowly made your way to him. Once there Cas stepped back, and you grabbed Sam's arm for support.

"Ready?" He asked, and you nodded, taking a deep breath before stepping over the line. Sam let's go, and you stand there for a moment, before Crowley grabs you.

"What the Hell Crowley? Sam yelled.

"Shut it Moose!" Crowley retorts back, before placing his hands on each side of your face, staring into your eyes. You feel weird, almost violated, feeling something moving about in your brain. Only seconds pass before he let's go, and Sam is there, having crossed into the trap. You wrap your arms around him, looking at Crowley in confusion.

He shrugs. "I can look into someone's head and see if they are still a Demon. Y/N is most definitely not a Demon, which is a pity. She was a great queen. Now, can I go?"

"Not yet. What about her having powers. What does that mean?" Dean asked, coming forward from the corner of the room.

"She's special?" Crowley remarked. "Otherwise not much. Must of just been left over, or the cure didn't care about getting rid of them." Crowley turned to face you, a soft smile on his face. "Don't worry, there's not an inch of Demon left in you, which is a pity. Enjoy your powers, I don't see anything bad coming from using them."

Sam and Dean nodded to each other, and they let Crowley out of the trap. Before he left he came over to you, where you were now sitting in the chair, having made it easily out of the trap.

He kisses your forehead, the sweet gesture shocking you. "Hey Y/N, Moose does know we've slept together, right?" He says, before vanishing out of the room.

Sam looks pissed, and you try to console him. "Honey, you know it was while I was still a Demon, right? It doesn't mean anything."

"I know, but that jerk, having to say something like that right before he leaves. Why didn't we kill him when we had the chance?"

"Well then, who's hungry?" Dean said, causing the tension in the room to dissappear. Sam picked you up, carrying you down the hallway, making his way to your room.

"Sam, please can I sit somewhere beside my room. Those walls are getting pretty boring." You plead.

He agrees, carrying you to the library, where he places you into one of the soft leather arm chairs, grabbing a green and blue plaid throw, tucking it around your legs. Finally, he hands you a book, your favorite. Leaning down he kisses your lips, before he turns to leave.

"Sam, your not mad about what Crowley said right? You know that I would never have willingly cheated on you. I feel so horrible for it." You say, the words gushing out of your mouth, as your feelings of guilt and grief came to the surface.

He turns back to face you. "Y/N, your with me now, you made your choice, and I would never hold against you what you did as a Demon. I love you. Remember, I promised to love you no matter what."

You smile, relieved at his answer. Even though you still had your powers, the pieces of your life were starting to fall back in place, and it felt nice.

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