Chapter 12

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A little unsettled and uncomfortable from being summoned, you took a deep breath, before noticing your surroundings. It was dark, but you could make out brick walls, a stone floor, and a metal wall. A large weird symbol was drawn on the floor, you remember reading about it two nights ago. It was a devils trap, and it kept Demons like you from going anywhere.

You start to panic, knowing you were trapped. You hear a voice, and turn torwards it. It was that man, Sam, saying your name.

"What do you want with me? You know Crowley will be coming to rescue me, and he won't be happy."

Sam didn't say anything, he just stood there staring at you, tears shimmering in his eyes. You become enraged at the show of emotion, flashing your eyes black, and you try to push your way out of the trap. He takes a step back, but watches as you slam against an invisible wall.

"When I get out of here, I'm going to tear you apart, piece by piece, and enjoy it immensely." You threaten, your eyes still black.

He leaves, and you sit down, your energy drained from from anger and exhaustion.

What seems like hours later, Sam comes back, this time with the other two goons.

Cas walks forward, staring closely at you. "I'm unsure how this came to be, but she is truly a Demon, a very powerful one at that. I've never known of a transition to happen that fast."

"No shit sherlock, you have to be powerful to be Queen," You reply sarcastically.

The three of them recoil in shock. "Your Queen? As in Crowley's personal Queen?" The green eyed guy said.

"Yeah, Crowley took me in, and saved me, turning me into his Queen." You replied, with a look of infatuation on your face. You smirk as Sam's face is frozen in shock.

"So you and Crowley are, um..."

He seemed torn up about the idea of you and Crowley being together, and you remember that Crowley said you and him had had a short fling.

"Yeah, we are Queen and King in every way possible," You retort, just to see the pain cross his face.

You weren't disappointed, you could almost swear you saw tears swimming in his eyes. Dean, you had heard them call him, went to Sam, murmuring in too low of a voice to hear.

Cas stayed close to the edge of the trap, and you stood as close to him as possible, your toes brushing against the line.

"What are you? Nothing should have been able to stop me like you did at the warehouse."

"I'm an Angel." He replied.

An Angel? You didn't know those existed.

Sam left the room, and Dean came over to stand by Cas. It was a tense silence for a couple of moments as the three of you stared at each other.

"Well, know that you got me trapped, what are you going to do with me?" You wondered, hoping they weren't planning on killing you before Crowley came to rescue you.

"We are going to try to save you." Dean answered.

You throw your head back, laughing like crazy. "Save me, from what? Being a Demon? It's all I've ever known, and I enjoy it so much! How would that be saving me?"

"I know you're saying that now, but once we find a way to get your memories back, you will be singing a different tune." Dean threw over his shoulder, as him and Cas closed the secret door to the dungeon, leaving you lonely in darkness.


Time passed, you weren't sure how long, it was hard to tell with no clocks or windows.. You sat in the middle of the devils trap, wishing you had a way for Crowley to find you, wishing you had researched more and found a way to escape. You were worried those men would be true to their word, and find a way to bring your memories back, and that is what really scared you.

That one man, Sam, you had fun torturing him with all your careless comments, but he was starting to get to you. His soft eyes, staring at you with so much love in them. At first, it made you want to rip them out of their eye sockets, but now, sitting here in the dark, you understood why you had a fling with the man.

You notice a sliver of light, before the hidden door slides open. Sam peeks his head inside, his hair falling over the side of his face. He shyly walks in, then sits cross legged on the other side of the devils trap from you.

The both of you stay silent, him unsure where to start, while you were curious about what he was going to say.

Finally, he spoke, his voice low and smooth. "So um..."

He stops talking, looking down at his hands, and you could tell this was really hard for him.

"I had to come see again, make sure this wasn't a big nightmare. Every day you were down there, in Hell, it was torture for me. I worked so hard trying to find a way to get you out of there. Even Cas tried, but he was blocked. I guess that was Crowley's doing?"

The emotions running behind his voice, and the accusations against Crowley angered you, enough that you stood up, your eyes flashing black.

"You know what? I don't care about the torture you went through. Crowley was there for me, he saved me, and turned me into a queen. He took my memories because he said they were horrible and he didn't want me to remember that! And guess what? I'm pretty sure most of those horrible memories included you! So why don't you do us all a favor and let me go!"

Instead of the sadness you thought you would see, Sam rebounded with a scary anger of his own. "Are you so sure Crowley did that for you? Maybe you were used!"

You turn your back to him, annoyed that he was trying to get in your head. You notice something flutter into the trap, as Sam turns to leave. Holding the door open, he faces you one more time. "Look at that, and tell me all your memories were bad."

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