Chapter 22

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"Sam?" You whisper through chapped lips. The snow might have stopped, but the church was still freezing, and you couldn't control the shivers that racked your body. You start coughing, feeling as if your lungs were full of fluid. While still coughing, you feel a hand on your back, trying to comfort you and stop the coughing. When the coughing fit finally ends, Sam is there to wipe the blood off of your lips.

"Shh, Y/N, I'm here for you, it will be okay." Sam reassures you.

You couldn't control the tears rolling down your cheek. "No I don't think it will be okay Sam. Either I'm dying or the cure isn't working. My body hurts worse than when I had the flu, and I'm not sure I can handle the last syringe." You get out, before you start coughing again.

Sam gives you a sip of water, but as soon as you swallow it down, it comes right back up.

Sam turned away from you, running his hands through his hair, frustration evident in his body language.

He strides over to Cas and Dean, and they have a whispered conversation, which you couldn't hear. Crowley walks over to the edge of the trap, squatting down on his haunches so he was able to look in your eyes. Your head was tilted down, it took too much energy to hold it up.

"I wish I could come in there and help you, but I don't trust those buffoons to let me out. Why don't you stop? I can heal you, being a Demon isn't the worst thing in the world. Especially the Queen of the Demons. I usually enjoy watching torture, but this is too much. Please darling."

You raised your head high enough to lock eyes with Crowley. For once he was serious, his concern visible on his face. You start to speak, but end up coughing instead, coughing up more blood.

"Don't speak, just think about what I said. You're killing all of us, making us watch this." Crowley told you, before Sam came back. He glared at Sam, before returning to his spot, his body tense as he waited to see what would happen next.

"Y/N, we talked, and all three of us think it's best if we stop. It doesn't seem to be working, and we don't want you to go through anymore."

You sit up as straight as you could, looking at each person before your eyes settled on Sam. Dean and Cas were both back by the door, arms crossed as they waited for your decision. Sam was standing in front of you, his hands in his pockets as he waited for your answer. His hair was almost standing on end, and his eyes were bloodshot from stress and tears. You knew this was hurting him, but you weren't sure you wanted to stop. There was only one syringe left, and you really wanted the chance to be human again, to love, to maybe have a family.

"Again." You say, but your coughing makes the word garbled at the end. You try to stop, but you have no control over it, or the shivering.

"Y/N, I know you want to be human again, but please..." Sam begged.

"No." You manage to say, louder this time.

He didn't seem surprised, he knew how stubborn you could be.

Turning away from you, he meets Dean halfway, taking the syringe from him. They have a silent conversation, Dean trying to give Sam some much needed support.

Sam slowly makes his way into the trap with you, standing next to you and staring down at you sadly. "Are you sure? If you're doing this for me, you don't have to. I will love you no matter what. It's your decision, but please, don't do it because you think you have to."

You shake your head, "Sam, it's for me. I didnt mind the powers, but I hated the blood lust that ran through me, how evil I felt. I want the chance to feel your love again, to maybe one day have a family with you. I need to take the chance. Please understand." You begged, as tears streamed down your face.

He leans down, so his face is close to yours. Pressing his lips to your chapped ones, he whispers, "I love you," before pushing the last needle into your arm.

The effects were immediate. Your body stopped shivering, your body temperature rising. Your eyes flashed black, as you scream. Sam stays in the circle, frozen to the spot as he watches your back arch, and your nails dig into the arms of the chair.

"Sam!" You hear Dean yell, and he pulls Sam out of the trap, just in time.

Your powers course through your body, flowing with the burning blood in your veins. As you scream, you put enough pressure on the chair that it shatters into pieces, and you fall to the ground.

Your many scratches from the wood go unnoticed as you writhe in agony on the floor. Your skin felt too tight, and you start scratching, deep enough to draw blood. Sam tries to run back into the trap, to help you, but Cas and Dean hold him back.

As blood flows down your arms you moan in pain, and the church starts rattling, dust falling from the rafters.

"Sam, Dean, you need to go, now!" Cas yells, pushing them out the door. Sam refuses to leave at first, but Dean drags him outside, as you moan agin, and a piece of the roof falls down.

Your arms are scratched raw, and your nails are broken down low. Cas is standing near the trap, trying to encourage you. Crowley joins him, both offering words of encouragement that you couldn't hear through the pounding in your head.

"Make it stop!" You scream, and lightning fills the sky, the thunder following simultaneously.

Rain starts pouring down, both outside and inside the church, dousing the candles. You attempt to stand up, pushing the shattered wood away from you. As your body burns from the inside out, you force yourself up, your eyes going from black to red. Crowley and Cas take a step back, uncertainty showing in both of their faces. Your head feels like its going to split in half, and you scream in pain, causing the floor of the church to crack, through the trap holding you hostage.

You take a shaky step, feeling your powers coursing through your body. Sparks fly from your finger tips, and cause small fires throughout the church. You walk past Cas and Crowley, stopping when Crowley spoke to you.

"Y/N, come with me, back to hell. I can help you."

Unable to answer, you slowly move past him to the door. You felt like you body was holding you hostage, your head wanting help, but your powers were too strong, and they were in charge.

Flicking your wrist, the doors fly off of their hinges, and you stagger out of the church. Sam and Dean are seated in the Impala, and you can see their surprised faces. Dean turns on the Impala, ready to drive away. You take a step towards them, before you fall to your knees, the pressure in your head almost blinding you, and the heat racing through you body burning it up from the inside out.

Sam rushes out of the car, making his way towards you. Your head hits the ground as Sam drops to his knees in front of you, tears streaming down his face.

"Y/N, come on, hold on!" He pleads, but you weren't able to focus on him. Black dots start to fill your eyes, your heart beating uncontrollably. Your powers start to fade away, and you have nothing giving you energy any more, and your eyes drift closed, missing the agony covering Sam's face.

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