Chapter 2

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You walk down the sidewalk, tears pouring down your cheeks, mixing with the falling rain. You had know this would come out sooner or later, but it was hard knowing it wasn't your choosing, and that your relationship with Sam might be over because of it.

Hearing your name being called behind you, you walk faster. Not ready to see the mix of emotions running through Sam's beautiful eyes, you try to hide from him. However, Sam was one of the best hunter's in the world, and there was no way you could stay hidden from him. Unable to go any farther, you slide down against the wall, placing your head in your hands. You hear footsteps getting closer, before stopping, and you knew Sam had found you.

You lift your head up, to see Sam crouching down in front of you, a worried look on his face. "Y/N? Why did you run off?"

You close your eyes as you answer. "Because I didn't want to answer your next question."

He wipes away the tears with his finger, before placing his palm against your cheek, trying to comfort you. "Y/N, it's alright. No matter what happens, we are in this together. Can we please talk about this out of the rain?"

You nod your head, knowing there was no way out of it now. He takes your hand, pulling you up onto your feet. Once up, he wouldn't let go, instead he used it to pull you into his side, trying to protect you from any unknown threat.

The motel room was empty, you were disappointed Dean wasn't back yet. If he had been, maybe he could have helped with the situation. Instead, you were alone with your boyfriend, which normally wouldn't have been a bad thing. Sam helped you undress, getting your cold, wet clothes off. He handed you a pair of sweatpants, and one of his t-shirts. Once you were dry, he also changed, and you almost drooled at the sight of his strong, muscular chest, and abs. He was a fine looking specimen, and you were glad that you had a little bit longer to spend with him.

Once you were both dry and warm, Sam sat down next to you. "Now can you tell me what's wrong?"

Once again the words fall out of your mouth, "I think the witch hit me with a truth spell, and I was afraid of what my mouth would say."

His mouth turned up in a little smile before he controlled it. "Don't worry, I will love you no matter what you tell me. But what did you mean by the 6 month thing?"

Here it was, the big question that would change everything. Instead of thinking carefully about how to answer it, the answer just popped out of your mouth. "6 months is all I have left."

His eyebrow raised as he tried to understand what you meant. "What do you mean, you have 6 months left?"

Tears started falling again as you had to answer. "6 months is all I have left of my crossroads deal." 

It was finally out. The secret you had managed to keep for 6 months. Unable to watch Sam, you look down at your hands, the tears clouding your vision. You feel the bed shift as he stands up, and you hear his footsteps as he paces.

"6 months! How long have you kept this from me? Why the hell would you sell your soul?" He yelled at you, frustration and despair laced in his voice.

You wince at his loud tone, "It's been my secret for 6 months now. You were the reason, I couldn't live without you." You whisper.

He stops pacing, and stands in front of you, forcing you to look up at him. There were tears in his eyes too, and you saw how badly this had hurt him.

"You did it for me? When?"

You reach for him, but he steps back, and your heart breaks. This is what you had been afraid of, the distance that something like this would put between you.

"That hunt, where you woke up in the motel room. You were going to die, and I couldn't let that happen."

Just then the door opened, and Dean walked in, stopping dead in his tracks as he noticed the scene in front of him.

"What's going on?" He questioned, not moving. He looked like he was ready to bolt at any second.

"Sam knows." You said, and Dean knew instantly what those two words meant. However, those two little words drove the distance between you and Sam even farther apart.

"Wait, Dean knew?" He questioned angrily.

You nod, "He's known since the beginning.

Sam takes a step back. "Get out."

Both you and Dean talk at the same time, "What?"

Sam crossed his arms across his chest. "You heard me. I don't care if you did this to save me. You lied to me, and would have continued lying to me, if this witch hadn't placed a spell on you. I can't stand to look at you right now, I need you to go."

Dean goes to stop you, but Sam glares at him. "And you, I should kick you out too. Never saying anything to me, what type of brother are you?"

Dean stayed silent, pity in his eyes as he watched you pack. Being a hunter, you only had one duffel bag, and it was packed quickly. You glance at Sam one more time, but he had his back to you. Dean gives you a hug, "He will come around. Don't go too far away."

You walk out the door, and head towards town. You needed to find another place to stay.


The next three days were uneventful, and depressing. You had found another motel to stay at, located at the far end of town. Leaving only for food, you spent your time, cuddled in bed, crying, or watching tv. Annoyed at yourself for crying so much, you finally talk yourself into getting some air. Taking a shower, you start to feel better, more human. You put on your favorite t-shirt, jeans and plaid.  Reaching for your phone, you remember it was left with Sam and Dean. Just thinking about Sam brings tears again to your eyes, and you wipe them away, before locking the door behind you, walking towards town.

The town was old, and you find yourself enjoying the old architecture, and all the old ambiance. It was tiny, and sweet, and you found yourself wishing your future was different. That you might have had a chance to live a normal, apple pie life here.

Passing a small ice cream shop, you walk in, getting a cone of your favorite ice cream. Sitting on the bench, you enjoy the sweet treat, until a familiar face stops in front of you. 

"Well, I see my spell hasn't totally driven you away. I thought it might have when I saw those two handsome men by themselves."

It was the witch from the bar. Unsure what to do, you start to say something, but she beats you to it, blowing a purple mist into your face. She really needed to stop doing that. This time, you notice the effects immediately, losing control of your body. She wiggles her finger, and you stand up, following behind her. Trying to stop your legs from moving, you moan in frustration as your legs won't listen. You are a prisoner in your own body.

The witch stops for a moment, laughing at you. "Don't fight it, there isn't a way out of it. This way, I can use you as bait for those two men. Should be fun."

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