Chapter 13

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Still furious at Sam about his comments, you decide to take whatever he tossed into the trap, and rip it to shreds. You stomp over there, picking up a small piece of paper. Turns out it was a picture.

Before ripping it, you decide to take a glance. What you see makes you even more confused. It was a picture of you and Sam, and in it you were happy. At least the old you was happy. In the picture Sam had his arms wrapped around you, staring down at you with a look of adoration evident on his face. You had your arms wrapped around his waist, your head snuggled into his chest, a look of content and bliss on your face.

You start to cry, feeling so confused. Mad at yourself for feeling some emotion, you throw the picture, watching as it floated down outside of the trap. You pound your hands on the stone floor, hitting as hard as you can, trying to get rid of the emotions running through you.. Soon the tears stop, and you look down at your hands, noticing they were bloody, and numb. You curl up into a ball, falling asleep on the cold, uncomfortable floor.


You awake to the sounds of footsteps coming into the room. All three men walk in, before closing the door. Dean was holding a cup of coffee, and you felt your stomach rumble.

"Is that for me?" You wondered outloud.

"You're a Demon, you don't eat or drink." Dean snapped back at you. Out of the corner of your eye you see Sam reach down, grabbing the picture and placing it in his shirt pocket.

"This Demon girl still does. And I'm starving!" You reply, your stomach rumbling to confirm it. But they ignore you, and you are disappointed.

They pull a chair out of the corner, pushing it into the trap with you. You raise an eyebrow, wondering what they were up to. Dean holds up handcuffs, smiling at you.

"What? Are you into bondage? I thought I used to be Sam's girl, not yours. Oh, wait. Did you two share?" You retort back to them.

"Shut up Y/N. We need some answers." He replies.

He hands them to Cas, and Cas steps over the line of the trap, cornering you. You try to get away, but you were powerless in the trap, and he soon had you chained to the chair. You tried to fight your way out of it, growling, and flashing your black eyes. None of it discouraged the boys.

Sam and Dean stood back, with their arms crossed as Cas once again came towards you. "I'm sorry Y/N, this will be uncomfortable." He tells you, as he rolls his sleeve up.

"What the Hell are you going to do to me now?"

"I'm going to try to get your memory back." Cas said, before placing two fingers against your forehead. You feel a pressure in your head, small at first, then it grows, and you feel as your head might explode. You scream as he digs deeper, almost blacking out before he stops. He looks confused, and turns torwards the brothers. "It wouldn't work. I don't know why, it should have. Let me try something else."

You cower back in your chair, not wanting to go through the pain again. Instead of your head, this time he presses his hand into your chest, and the pain is immense. You scream and moan, thrashing about in the chair, your eyes black as you try to get away from the pain.

He's soon finished, and you collapse, depleted of all of your energy. Cas walks back to Sam and Dean, rolling his sleeve back down. They whisper together, with Sam and Dean giving you glances.

"Well Doctor? Am I going to live?" You question, trying to figure out their next move.

The three of them walk back towards you. Sam stays silent, just watching you with heavily lidded eyes.

"I couldn't restore your memory. It was taken in a spell, and is being held somewhere. I checked your soul for any remaining effects of the spell, to counter it. Whoever did it was thorough. Now we need to find out where your memories are, and retrieve them."

Well, that was a relief. You knew who had your memories, and Crowley wouldn't just give them up.

"We know Crowley has them, we just need to figure out where."

Cas takes you, in the chair, pulling it out of the trap, and setting it off to the side. The brothers brought in a small bowl, and some unfamiliar items.

"What are you doing?" You asked, curious.

Sam replied, "We are going to summon Crowley, make him give us your memories back."

You were excited to see Crowley again, hoping between the two of you, you could escape. But you were also nervous that the boys would beat him, or kill him. Especially Sam, if that picture and his story had any truth behind it.

They said some words, and threw a match into the bowl, and within a minute, Crowley was standing in the devils trap. His chocolate eyes took in his surroundings, before falling on you.

"Y/N! Are you alright? I've had my minions looking everywhere for you!"

"I'm fine." You reply, but Sam and Dean cut you off.

"Crowley, you have a lot of explaining to do." Dean told him.

"Squirrel, Moose. Nice to see you again, not. Now let my Queen and I go."

"I don't think your in any position to be making demands. Now, where are Y/N's memories located?"

Surprise shown on Crowley's face before he suppressed it. "I have no bloody idea what you are talking about."

Sam steps forward, ready to jump into the trap and throttle Crowley. Dean wraps his hand around his arm, stopping him.

The three of them head to the corner of the room, no doubt discussing a new plan. It gives you and Crowley a chance to talk.

"Hello darling. I've missed you. Greg has too. Have those buffoons treated you okay?"

"Yeah, they've been okay. Crowley, were all my memories really that bad?" You question, curious about how he would answer.

He took his time answering, trying to figure the best way to say it. "No, they weren't. But the bad outweighed the good, and I figured it would be for the best."

Before you could react, the three men came back, Sam and Dean standing near Crowley, while Cas stood behind you.

"Crowley, here's the deal. We know you have her memories, we want them back. We will let you go, and you will meet us tomorrow, down at the peer."

Crowley chuckled, amused with their plan. "You ignorant buffoons, you really think that you can just let me go, and expect me to show up tomorrow? I knew you were stupid, but really?"

"Well, we have a bargaining chip, Y/N. You don't do what we say, then we just might end up killing her. She's a Demon, and that's our job, killing monsters. So you don't show up tomorrow, and we will be forced to put her out of her misery. You show up tomorrow, we give her memory back, who knows. Maybe she will want to run back to you."

Crowley considered this. "You guys could be bluffing."

"Does this look like bluffing?" Cas replied, before taking his Angel blade, and running it along your cheek, causing you to cry out in pain.

Crowley flinched. "Fine, stop! I will do it! Let me go, and I will meet you tomorrow, at 1. But you have to let her come to me if she still chooses."

"Agreed." Dean replied, before letting Crowley out of the trap, and he vanishes.

You glare at Sam. "You're really going to kill me if Crowley doesn't show? I thought you loved me!"

"It was the only way to get Crowley to agree. And I'm not sure the Y/N I loved is in there right now." He told you, as Cas moved your chair into the trap once again, leaving you chained to the chair.

As they turned to leave, you whined. "Come on guys, can't you please bring me something to drink or eat? Don't prisoners get food?"

Sam smiled, but they kept walking, and you were locked into your isolated dungeon, alone and hungry once again.

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