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2 weeks later

The kitchen was a mess, flour was everywhere, even on you. However you were happy, glad that you were finally up and moving around, your body healed and healthy. However Sam still didn't think you were ready to hunt, instead he wanted you to stay back and do research from the bunker.

So instead you kept yourself occupied in the bunker, doing research, cleaning, or snooping through all the interesting rooms and items throughout the bunker. Bored with that, you finally decided to try your hand at baking. Dean's Birthday was coming up, and you wanted to be a nice sister in law and make a pie for him.

Not expecting the men to be back until tomorrow, you were caught up in your work, listening to music and not paying attention to anything else. So you were surprised when a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close into the intruders body.

Screaming, you flick your wrist, and the intruder went flying through the room, landing on the fridge, and being held there by an invisible force.

"Y/N, it's me, Sam!" Sam says stutters, while being choked, and you drop your hand, releasing the pressure holding Sam in place.

"Sam, I'm so sorry! I didn't expect you back until tomorrow." You say, rushing over to him, helping him off the ground, wincing at the red marks around his kneck.

"It's alright, but I didn't know you still had that power too." Sam says, brushing flour off of your face.

"Yeah I didn't either. It just happened." You explain, just as Dean walks in.

"What's that smell? Pie?" He asks excitedly, missing the fact that he had interrupted a serious discussion.

"Yes, a pie for you." You tell him, before turning back to Sam. "Sam, I promise, I didn't know I still had that power, but it's the only other one to show up." While you had been healing, you hadn't taken the opportunity to test out what powers you still had left, not sure you wanted to know, or even use them.

"Wait, what?" Dean asks, now realizing something else beside pie was going on.

"Y/N, I believe you, I was just shocked." Sam reassures you, and you relax.

"Hey, just a minute. What power?" Dean asks, trying to get in on the loop, and you took pity on him.

"Sam scared me, and I was able to throw him off of me, and hold him against the fridge without lifting a finger." You explain.

"Cool, that will come in handy for hunting." Dean told you. "Now, more importantly, what type of pie?"

Just then, the oven timer went off, and you pulled the apple pie out of the oven.

"Apple, now who wants a slice?" You say, smiling as both men nodded, Dean almost drooling at the sight. Sam shook his head at his brother, before walking over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and kissing you.

Leaning into the kiss, you ignored the groan from Dean. You were
glad that your husband, and his brother didn't care that you weren't completely normal. But then again you were all hunters so none of you were normal, and you knew that no matter what happened with your powers Sam would be there to support you.

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