Chapter 23

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One time, along time ago, before your parents had died, you had gone swimming with friends. There was an old lake all the high school students would visit, surrounded by towering pine trees, miles away from town. A boy you had a crush on, dared you to swing off the old tire swing, and jump into the deep part of the lake that was supposed to be off limits. Of course you had to prove to him that you could do it, so you climbed onto the swing, and he pushed it for you.

At first it was exhilarating, flying through the air, then jumping into the cool refreshing water. But what was exciting turned frightening, the reeds growing in the water wrapping around your ankle, holding you hostage under water. You fought, trying to make your way to the top. Your lungs burning, you saw that the surface was so close, but before you could reach it, black spots filled your eyes, and you started to sink back down before a pair of arms pulled you free and rescued you.

You were reliving that moment right now. Something was holding you down in the darkness, and no matter how hard you fought, you couldn't break free. You could hear voices above you, familiar but foreign at the same time, confusing you.

"It's been three days! She should have woken up by now Dean! We need to take her to a hospital before she dies!" One voice said, and you wanted to rush over to whoever it belonged to and throw yourself in their arms. Something about that voice was comforting, and you started to relax just listening to it.

"So what Sammy? We take her to the hospital and tell them what? That she was a Demon, and we were trying to cure her by sticking her with purified blood. They would lock all of us away!"

"So we're supposed to sit here and watch her die?" Sammy yelled, and you could hear the anguish in his voice.

"I'm sorry Sammy, I wish there was more we could do. Even Cas couldn't heal her. We just have to wait and see what happens, stay with her no matter what."

You tried to keep listening, but you were once again being pulled down, back down into the deep dark abyss of unconsciousness.


The next time you felt yourself floating to the surface, you didn't panic. Unable to open your eyes yet, you stayed still, and listened. You had no idea where you where, but it seemed to feel and smell familiar. It was quiet, and you thought you might have been alone.

That was, until you felt someone grab your hand, holding on tight.

"Y/N, I don't know if you are still in there, but if you are, please come back to me. It's been over a week. I lost you once, and I don't think I can handle losing you again. When you fell, outside of the church, your face and arms covered in your blood, my heart broke. We should have never tried the cure, it was so stupid."

You tried to assure Sam, but your body wouldn't listen to your commands, and you slowly faded into blackness once again.


The third time you fought for consciousness felt different. You actually felt things, you could feel that your entire body was in pain, your throat parched, and your head pounding.

Your eyes were still closed, and you fought to open them, happy when they fluttered open. You glanced around, realizing why you had felt comfortable. They had brought you back to the bunker, and you were back in the room you shared with Sam.

Laying there, unable to move much, you took in the comfort of your room, the picture of you, Sam and Dean across from you, the dresser that had all your jewelry and other miscellaneous items still laid out on top.

You try to move your arm, groaning at thd pain shooting through your body. It was then you felt a body shift next to you. You try to turn your head, frustrated that it too so much effort and time to succeed.

Sam was laying next to, on his back, his face pointed towards yours. His chin was covered in stubble, and even in sleep he had dark circles underneath his eyes.

"Sam." You croak, no more than a whisper, your voice rough and and quiet from lack of use.

He mumbles, and moves about, but doesn't wake.

You try again, this time taking the effort to move your hand.

"Sam." You croak again, brushing your fingers against his hand.

The touch soke him, his hunters instincts coming alive, and he jumps out of bed, a knife in his hand, and his hair standing everywhere as he glanced around, looking for the threat.

His eyes finally glance at you, and he stares at you in astonishment for a moment, his eyes wide as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Y/N?" He asks, wondering if he was imagining things.

You smile, and he puts the knife down, and sits down beside you. Intertwining his fingers with yours, he doesn't speak for a moment, he just stares at you.

"How are you feeling?" He finally asks.

"Horrible," You were able to push out through your chapped lips.

He kisses your forehead, worry evident on his face. Before he could reply, Dean pushes through the door.

"Hey Sam, I know you haven't been hungry but... Y/N!"

Dean places the bowl on the dresser, and stands in front of you, "Your finally awake! How are you feeling?"

You try to reply, but coughing racks your body, and you moan in pain. Both men look worried, but soon the coughing stops, and you smile weakly at them.

"Water?" You manage to ask, and Sam hurries back with a glass. He holds it up to your lips, while supporting your head, and helps you take a few sips. It feels so good sliding down your throat, and you almost sigh in contentment.

Once he places the cup on the nighstand, he turns back to you. "How long was I out?" You ask.

"It's been almost two weeks. If you hadn't woken up by tomorrow, we were going to contact Crowley, see if he could help." Dean answered.

Two weeks had passed since that crazy night at the church. Your body felt like it had happened yesterday, your muscles were so sore.

Dean left to let Cas know, and Sam took that minute to ask you again. "Really Y/N, how are you feeling?"

"I feel like I was hit by a bus, and I can't really move my body.My throat hurts, and my head is pounding, but at least I'm alive."

He smiles at you, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "I will go get you some aspirin in a minute. But Y/N, we need to talk about that night, and what's happened since."

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