Chapter 25

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The next time you awoke, you felt more like yourself. It still felt like you had been in a horrendous accident, but now a couple of pain pills should relieve the dull throbbing ache running through your body.

Cracking an eye open, you realized you were alone in the darkened room. Wondering what time it was, you saw that Sam's alarm clock was flashing 10 a.m.

Stretching, you groan as your unused and sore muscles protested the movement, and showing that you needed to use the bathroom, you pulled yourself into a sitting position against the headboard of the bed, and leaned over to turn the light on.

Swinging your legs to the side of the bed, you place your feet on the floor, before pulling them back rapidly when they hit the cold floor.

Calling yourself a wimp, you placed them back on the floor, and stood up, placing a supporting hand on the wall as you let the wave of dizziness pass.

Once your head quit spinning, you started taking slow, sure and careful steps towards the bathroom door.

Finally making it into the bathroom, you sit on the toilet, and go about your business, exhausted by the short trip.

Once done, you push yourself up, trying to take a step, but your legs were too wobbly, and they wouldn't support you. You fell to the ground, cying out in pain as you hit the cold, hard linoleum floor.

Contemplating your next move, you sighed in relief when you heard the bedroom door open. A second went by before you heard Sam calling your name.

"Sam, I'm in here." You hollered back, and he soon joined you in the bathroom, squatting down on his haunches to get eye level with you.

"Y/N, what the hell are you doing out of bed?" He asked, more worried than mad.

"I had to pee." You replied.

He stands up, before picking you up carefully, carrying you out and placing you back on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, staring at you carefully.

"A lot better, even more so if I can get out of this bed." You told him, causing him to chuckle.

"Maybe in another day or two." He replied, sitting on the edge of the bed.

You felt grungy, and hungry, and you knew that meant you were healing, but it made you grumpy.

"How about a bath at least?" You begged, using the puppy dog eye trick you had learned from him. "Please? I feel so dirty."

He could never resist that look from you, so he made a compromise.

"Fine, you get your bath, but I carry you in there, and help you get in. Then you will call for me when you are done. Got it?"

Grateful that you got your wish, you agreed to his demands, getting excited at the thought of the warm water soothing your aching muscles.

Sam disappears into the bathroom, and soon you hear water running. He returns, picking you up, and carrying you into the bathroom, sitting you down on the toilet.

First he helps pull your shirt over your head, and you glance down, wincing at all the bruises covering your torso.

Sam's gaze follows yours, and he absently runs his fingers down your ribs, along a particularly nasty bruise.

"Cas tried his best to heal you, but most of the cuts and bruises wouldn't go away." He says, not paying too much attention to what he was saying.

You catch his hand, forcing his gaze to meet yours. "They will heal. And thanks to you performing the cure, I have a future to look forward to."

Sam seemed assured, and helped you get undressed the rest of the way, and placed you in the bathtub.

The water felt heavenly, the warmth seeping into your muscles and soothing the aches. You closed your eyes, leaned your head back and sighed, content for the time being. You heard Sam moan, then cough to cover it up. He was being such a gentleman and you knew it was costing him dearly.

"I'll just..umm...wait in the library. Yell when you need me." He said, before leaving the bathroom.

You just laid there and relaxed, letting the warm water work it's way through all your kinks and aches. When the water started cooling off, you finally started scrubbing your body, feeling like a new person when you were done.

You yell for Sam, but moments pass and he didn't return. The water grew chilly, and you try again, but he couldn't hear you through the bunker walls.

Unplugging the tub, you let the water drain before you try to stand and get out but your legs were still a little weak, and you sank back down, your body now covered in goosebumps.

You close your eyes, wishing Sam would hurry up, wishing you were back in your warm bed, when suddenly, you didn't feel the cold hard bottom of the tub. Instead you felt cotton sheets, and a soft mattress below you. You scramble off, wondering how the hell that happened, how you could transport yourself without being a Demon.

Before you could even think, Sam walks through the door, and sees you standing there, naked and shivering, dripping water onto the floor.

"What the hell Y/N? Why didn't you wait for me? Or at least grab a towel? Do you want to get sick?" He yells at you, rushing into the bathroom, grabbing a towel, before wrapping it around you.

You were so occupied in your thoughts, you didn't pay any attention to what he was saying, or doing, you stood like a statue, letting Sam help you.

Somehow your power of transporting had stayed with you and you hoped that didn't mean the cure didn't work. Maybe that's what Cas meant by there being residue left from the spell. But what else was left, and what did that mean for you?

"Y/N? Are you listening to me? Y/N?" Sam said, his face in front of yours, and finally you snapped out of it.

"Sorry Sam, I don't know what happened. " You tell him, leaving the rest to yourself, not knowing how he would react.

He helps you into a new pair of sweatpants, along with one of his old shirts, and helps you slide back into bed.

"Sam, can you get me something to eat?" You ask, and he nods his head. "And Sam, can you send Cas in here? I want to talk to him about something."

He stands up to leave, but stops, unsure for a moment. "You know, if you need to talk to someone, you can talk to me, right?"

"I know, but I just need to ask Cas something. " You assure him, and he leaves. A few moments later, Cas appears, standing by the foot of your bed.

"Sam said you wanted to talk to me."

Deciding to be honest, you take a deep breath before you start. "Cas, I know you said something about a residue being left by the spell. Could that mean some of my powers remained, without being a Demon?"

Cas squinted his eyes at you, deep in thought. "I'm not sure, it would be weird, but it might happen. If Crowley hadn't taken off, he would have been the one to ask. Why?"

Sam returned then, with Dean, carrying a sandwich and a glass of water, and you decided to tell them at the same time.

After he places the food on your lap, Sam sits next to you, and Dean looks between you and Cas.

"What's up?"

"So I was waiting for Sam to help me out of the tub, but it was getting cold. So I wished I was back in bed, and even pictured it in my mind, and before I knew it, I was back in bed. I think I still have my transporting powers."

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