Chapter 18

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It was the next morning, and none of them had brought up the conversation they had last night. Frustrated because it was your life, you thought about bringing it up, but didn't want to get into a yelling match because you had been eavesdropping.

This morning, Dean decided we should go out for breakfast, while we waited for Cas to come back. He had left to go search for an abandoned church while the rest of us had slept, and we were hoping he would be back soon.

Dean pulled the Impala into a parking spot at the local diner, and you led the way into the small restaurant, sliding into a red vinyl booth located at the back of the building. Sam and Dean followed, and Sam slid in next to you, draping an arm over your shoulder as the waitress brought menu's and coffee. You take a sip of the hot liquid, while contemplating your choices for breakfast, ignoring the two men.

Unaware of how you felt, they bantered with each other, while looking the menu over. When the waitress came back, Dean flirted with the waitress before ordering. Sam ordered, then it was your turn, "French toast please." You tell her.

After she leaves, Sam turns towards you. "Is everything alright Y/N? You're pretty quiet this morning. Your head doing okay?"

Knowing that Sam knew you better than anyone, you knew you couldn't lie to him. "My heads fine, I just overheard your conversation last night, and I've been thinking about it ever since. Will I really be a Demon forever?"

Sam takes your hand in his, rubbing his thumb across the top of it in a slow calming motion. Dean just looked at you with compassion in his green eyes as they both knew that if their plan didn't work, that might be the case.

Trying to comfort you, Sam brushes his lips against your temple, before whispering in your ear. "I will do everything in my power to help you. But know this, I will always love you, even if you stay a Demon."

Dean mutters under his breath, "Wouldn't be the first time he's been with a Demon." And you reach over and smack him. But his plan worked, it lightened the mood of everyone at the table, and you talked about other things while waiting for your breakfast.

The waitress came back, handing you your food. As you savor the wonderful french toast, you come to the realization, no matter what happens, you would not leave these two men again, they meant too much to you.

"Hello," Cas said, causing the three of you to jump, and Dean spilled what was left of his coffee.

"Damn it Cas, do you have to sneak up on us like that?" Dean grumbled, but Cas ignored him.

"Y/N, how is your head today?" He asked you, tilting his head to the side as he tried to gauge your response.

You thought before speaking. When you woke up this morning, you felt normal, no headaches, or powers trying to be released. It was nice.

"It feels good Cas, almost like normal. But what happens if I need to use my powers, will that ruin everything? "

"I'm not sure what would happen. I'm also not sure what will happen when they start sticking purified blood in you, if that will cause your powers to become uncontrollable again."

"Cas, she already knows our worries, let's not freak her out anymore," Sam told him, trying to not get you too worked up.

"Don't worry about me, I'm a big girl, I can handle it. I know this won't be easy, and I know it might not end the way I want, but it's worth a shot," You tell Cas, noticing looks of approval on Sam and Dean's faces.

"Well, in that case, hurry up with your breakfast, because I found a place, and the blood. All we need is you, and it's at least a 3 hour drive from here."

Surprised that it was moving along so fast, you shoved the last piece of french toast in your mouth before not so gently pushing Sam out of the booth. He stood up, and Dean and Cas followed suit, the three of you making your way out of the restaurant while Dean paid.

You and Sam stood on one side of the Impala, while Cas waited on the other side.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything bad happen to you. I don't want to see you work yourself up on the ride over. If you want I can ride in the back with you." Sam told you, leaning against the door of the Impala.

You assured him, while reassuring yourself at the same time. "I know it could get bad, but if this is my only chance to become cured, then I need to take it."

Dean comes out then, and you climb into the backseat, and he drives off.

Usually you relax on long road trips, reading or stretching out on the back seat sleeping. Today you couldn't stretch out because Cas was in the back seat with you, but you were too wired to sleep anyways.

You catch Cas staring at you, his eyebrow drawn down, as he thinks hard.

"What?" You whisper quietly, not wanting the brothers in the front to hear over Dean's music.

"I was just curious. You've been acting calmly for a Demon, especially as one as powerful as you are. Why?"

That was a good question. You still had some of the blood lust, and you still felt wrong, still evil in some ways. "Ever since my memories came back, they blocked most of my Demon urges. It's like the hunter in me overpowered the Demon side."

He nodded his head. "I expected as much."

The rest of the ride went quickly and quietly, and soon Dean was pulling into an overgrown lot that Cas had pointed out. In front of you sat an old white clapboard church, the paint was peeling, and a couple of window panes were missing. What was left to the place was gorgeous, the stained glass windows in the front still colorful and intact. The steeple stood proudly in front of a line of trees, and you knew this had been a majestic place at one point in history.

The three men climb out of the Impala, and you stayed behind for a moment, trying to calm yourself down. This was it, it was finally here, and you were petrified. What if something went wrong, and your powers were unleashed. It could kill them. Or what if you were stuck a Demon forever, could you really handle that?

"Y/N? Are you coming?" Sam asks you, a worried expression on his face. Taking a deep breath, you step out of the Impala, and your hand is immediately engulfed in his giant warm hand, calming some of your nerves.

Cas leads the way, up the rotting steps to the front porch. He opens the door and you follow inside, waiting for your eyes to focus in the darkened room.

"Hello darling, I've been waiting for you." You hear from the corner of the room.

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