Chapter 8

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Warning: A young girl gets killed, and I feel bad about it, but it goes with the story. And it gets a little gruesome.

Plans for your coronation went smoothly. Crowley had planned on the ceremony happening a week after you had said yes.

After losing your memories, you felt empty, lifeless. Crowley took that as an opportunity, filling the void with his thoughts and plans. Instead of memories, he was filling your mind with violence, hatred and evilness. You no longer cared about the souls being tortured, instead you were comforted by their cries of anguish.

Today you were being measuref for your coronation dress. It was gorgeous, a deep, dark red wine color, embroidered with black silk thread. The top was shaped like a corset, while the bottom slightly flowed out to your feet. The tailor was Crowley's personal tailor, a small thin man, and he was terrified of you. Considering you had kicked him, and stabbed him with his scissors, he had reasonable cause.

As the tailor pins your hem, you glare at Greg, who has become your personal body guard/assistant.

"What do you mean? I don't want to go top side after the coronation, I want to stay down here with Crowley."

Greg shudders under your hatred. "I know, but it's Crowley's orders. He wants the two of you to spend a little vacation on Earth before you take full responsibilities of queen."

You consider this. Ever since that fateful night you said yes, you catered to Crowley's every whim, wanting to make him happy. If a trip topside would make him happy, then you would do it.

"Fine." You reply, seeing Greg relax as you agreed. Bored with the fitting, you push the tailor out of the way, sliding out of the dress, not caring that you were only in your black lace panties and bra.

The tailor takes the dress, before rushing out of the room. Greg hands you your clothes, and you slid them on before stalking down the hallway to the throne room. Crowley was inside, talking to three sharp dressed Demons. Noticing you, he ignores the Demons, smiling. You walk torwards him, moving past your throne, to sit on Crowley's lap. He rubs his hand up and down your arm as you both listen to the complaints.

"Sir, this is the list of Demons that are in line for the next installment up above. There are a couple on here I don't think are ready. "

"Your highness, the number of souls being tortured has diminished 10% in the past 10 years."

"Sir, these Demons have been taking souls without your permission. What would you like me to do."

You grew bored with the questions, and start to imagine the Demons in front of you blowing up into little pieces.

Crowley notices your boredness, and tries to include you in the conversation. "My darling, what would you do?"

You thought for a minute before answering. "Let all the Demons go, what harm would it do. There needs to be more evil up there. If you send more Demons up there, you will get more souls to torture. As for the last one, kill them. If they can't follow Crowley's orders, they deserve to die."

Crowley was pleased with your answers, and made the Demons leave. "What's the matter?" He asked you.

"I'm bored. I want this ridiculous coronation over with, so I can fully be a Demon, and get down to torture and killing."

He chuckles, pleased with your blood thirst. "Soon, my darling, soon."


Finally it's your coronation day. Your dress fits perfectly, and looks amazing. Your hair is intricately braided, and placed on top of your head. The throne room has been cleaned, and polished, with chairs placed for those demons valued high enough to attend. Crowley waits for you at the end of the carpet, a shiny new suit to celebrate the occasion. He was next to an old man, the man in charge of the coronation. You strut down the carpet, glaring at anyone who dared to look at you.

Crowley takes your hand, and you listen as the Demon judge says the words, turning you into queen. Crowley places the crown on your head, and you were now queen, and it felt great.

It was then time for the ceremony that would turn you into a Demon. Crowley was in charge of this, and the Demons watched, entranced. Nothing like this had been done before. Greg and another Demon drag in a young girl, maybe 12. She was still in her white nightgown, her blonde hair tangled around her face, and tears streaming down her face.

This was the innocent, pure soul you had to kill. You take the knife Crowley hands you. It's handle is ivory, carved to show depictions of Hell. The blade gleams, it's a beautiful piece. They lay the girl on a stone slab, tying her arms and legs down. She is screaming, and crying, and it is annoying you. Crowley chants in Latin as you raise the knife, slashing it across her neck, killing her. Expecting to feel some sort of emotion, you weren't surprised to felt elation at the thought of taking a life. Crowley places a small bowl to catch some of the flowing blood.

He then pours the blood into another bowl full of ingredients, and hands it to you. He once again chants as you raise the bowl to your lips, sipping at the bitter, metallic concoction. Immediately you feel power spread through your body, starting at your toes, and spreading all the way to the tips of your hair. Your fingers spark with electricity, and you were drunk on the power. Your eyes flash black, and you raise your arms, laughing as you make the demon servants in the back explode with just a thought. The rest of the demons look uneasy, fearful of you. Crowley takes your hand, raising it into the air.

"Welcome your new Queen, Queen Y/N! Obey her in everything!"

They all bow to you, and you were happy, ecstatic with the power coursing through your body, and the power of the fear seen in the Demons eyes.

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