Chapter 5

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Married? Sam wanted to get married? As a hunter, you had never given yourself a chance to imagine having a wedding. While most girls your age dreamed of white dresses, fancy cakes, and husbands, you spent your time training, and killing all the things that went bump in the night. Never had you imagined, that the love of your life, a fellow hunter, would be asking you to marry him. Especially with less than a month to live.

As you were frozen in shock, Sam was sweating from anxiety. His face was a mixture of emotions, anxiety, and hopefulness, his fingers grasping the steering wheel tightly.

Snapping out of your shock, you whisper. "But why? I will be dead in a month?"

"Because you are the love of my life, and I want to be able to call you my wife, if only for a little bit."

You smile at Sam, grateful that you had a kind, compassionate boyfriend.

"Let's get married!" You say excitedly.

The courthouse was about half an hour away from the meadow, and you were surprised to see a familiar black Impala parked in front of the old brick building. Dean was waiting at the front steps, dressed similar to Sam in dress pants and dress shirts. He hugged you.

"So he talked you into getting shackled?" Dean teased.

You both follow Dean into a small room, where the justice of the peace was waiting. A few words, your signatures along with Dean's as witness, and then Sam placed a simple gold band upon your finger. You were now Mrs. Sam Winchester.

--------------1 week left---------------

"Please? Let me go on this hunt! It might be my last one, and I don't want to spend time away from you!" You begged, trying your puppy dog eyes on Sam. You only had one week left and you were surprised that the brothers were taking this hunt instead of doing some last minute research.

"Fine, but you can't get in the way, at all!" Sam demanded, and you quickly agreed. You already had your bag packed, and was ready and waiting in the Impala before they were.

It was a 6 hour drive, and you nodded off in the backseat. Upon waking, you hear the brothers arguing.

"I thought we had said she would stay at home! She won't be happy about what we have planned!" Dean argued.

"I know, but she only has a week left, I couldn't leave her behind. Maybe she will stay behind in the motel room." Sam countered.

Dean huffed, and you took that moment to wake up. "We there yet?"

It turned out you were already there, Dean was just pulling into a parking lot of the motel. This one had seen better days, the blue paint peeling in the corners, and the sidewalk cracked. Upon entering the room, you see faded tan carpet, and a orange comforter left over from the 70s.

After the three of you dumped your bags on the beds, Sam turned to you. "Y/N, you need to stay here. We will be back soon."

You cross your arms, your shorter frame no match against Sam's taller one, but your attitude more than made up for it. "Bullshit."

"Come on Y/N, please. I want to keep you safe."

You glare at him, knowing he was lying. "I have Hell Hounds that will be hunting me down in a week. I don't really care if I stay safe. Now what's the real reason?"

Dean left, mumbling something about getting the Impala ready. You and Sam squared off, him getting flustered again your hard gaze.

"Fine. We are here to torture a demon for information on how to save you, and we knew you would disagree."

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