Chapter 7

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Laughing like crazy, it takes you a minute to reply, "Really Crowley? You want me for your Queen?"

Crowley didn't seem as amused as you were about the whole queen thing, he sat there tapping his fingers against the small skull decorating the arm of his chair. "I really don't see what's so funny. It's a good deal. You rule alongside me in Hell, or you get tortured for centuries."

Realizing he was being truthful, you considered your options. Not being tortured was a nice thought, but could you really go against all of your instinct and training, to become something you hate?

"Crowley, I appreciate your offer, thank you for considering me for this. But it's a big deal, a big change for me. Can you give me time to think about this?"

He seemed annoyed that you weren't as keen on becoming queen as you should have been. He stood up, placing one hand on each arm of your chair, effectively caging you in. His dark eyes were sinister , and you were afraid.

"Don't you realize what a bloody gift this is? Years of getting your skin flayed off, or your every whim being taken care of. What is there to think of?" His voice rose an octave as he yelled at you, enraged at your stubbornness.

Trying to pacify him, you place your hand on his stubbled cheek. "I know Crowley. But it goes against my very being, and I need to talk myself into becoming the queen of hell. Give me time."

Giving you room, he crosses his arms across his chest. You stand up on shaky knees, and he offers you his arm. Gratefully taking it, he escorts you out of the room, and down the hallway. The hallway was lined with paintings, and you wondered who they were. Crowley must have read your mind.

"These are our best Demons. Each one of them is possessing someone high up on the political field, celebrities, or anything else we can think of."

You see a couple of familiar faces as Crowley guides you torwards your room, the only other door besides the throne room.

The first Demon is still there, and upon seeing you on the arm of Crowley, he huffed in annoyance. Crowley snapped his finger, and the Demon starts writhing in pain.

"That's just Greg for you, he's a bit stuck up, but the best guard I have down here."

Crowley snaps his fingers again, and Greg takes deep breaths.

"Now Greg, I expect you to take great care of my future queen. You understand?"

He nods his head quickly, before opening your door, letting both of you pass.

Crowley follows you into the room, pausing at the windows, with his hands in his pockets. "I hope the room is suitable."

You nod your head, unsure what to do.

Crowley seems unsure too, at first. "Do you need anything?"

You had all the clothes you would need, and you were pretty sure he wouldn't give you a knife or something. Just then your stomach rumbled.

"Food, I guess." You replied.

He nods his head. "I can do that. If you become queen, you won't have to worry about petty things like hunger, or sleep anymore."

"Yeah, but will I actually be a Demon? What is the process of becoming queen? "

Ignoring your questions, he opens the door, and speaks quietly to Greg. He then walks over, sitting in one of the oversized armchairs placed by the window.

You sit in the other one, staring at him, wondering if he remembered your questions.

After a long pause he spoke, "Yes you will become a Demon, but the process will be much easier and faster this way. If you weren't going to become Queen, it would take years of torture before you would change, then you would be a low level Demon."

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