Chapter 30

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Magic on the Sunset

She blinked at the sudden light that came from the window; someone had pulled the curtains and the sunlight was setting at a distance. Or was it rising? She didn't know how much she had been unconscious but she could feel her body was rested, her mind on the other hand, was still heavy. "You are awake, finally! I have been so worried my dear." Elaine's motherly tone caught her yawning and smiling. She sat next to her and took her hands rubbing them slowly.

"Elaine? Hmm... how much was I asleep?"

"Around a day and a half... what happened took a lot of your energy darling, and you are not used to having an Angel possess you either."

"You say that as if it was something natural... are you all capable of doing this?"

"No, not all of us do it, and not all with such a perfect resolvement as you two did, you both just connected so well, it takes quite the strength and concentration from an Angel, and the connection that, well... you two obviously have... after he commanded the ghosts to go away, you completely fainted and he took you back in his arms to this room, and only after he saw you were safe resting here in the bed he sat down on that chair to catch his breath... He was taken a little by surprise on how his possession on your body consumed his energy..."

Caliope looked at the chair next to the bed and imagined Amra there exhausted, then she looked around the room and finally back at Elaine "Where is he? Is he ok?"

"Yes, he is, and he didn't want to leave your side but after a day without response, I convinced him to leave and talk to the others. Pronab stayed with you until a few minutes ago... and yes, Amra was not very happy about it but both of us had to be present at the meeting. Now that I gave my version of things and was no longer needed, I came to replace him. We should have all been there but Amra was not going to let anyone but me or Pronab to stay with you."

Caliope sighed and nodded, a small smile drawn on her lips and Elaine smiled as well. After some more seconds, Elaine continued "you have been quite the talk this last 36 hours my darling... and it has taken everyone by surprise."

"What happened at the meeting? What is happening now? Can you fill me in?"

"Let me share with you as much as I can... before the meeting, we had to get behind who put the ghosts here, what were they doing and why. Amra knew who was the traitor in Maxwell's trusted army, they were very surprised, but he is no longer with us now. It was Maxwell himself who vanished him, and it was for the best, he showed his people that he was in charge, inspiring confidence in them and at the same time showing we won't forgive a treason like this."

"But the ghosts were put by the same traitor? Wasn't that person supposed to be a dark Angel? How could one be between them for so long?"

"That is true, the traitor allowed the dark Angel to get into the land for a brief period of time, enough for him to set the curse."

"What did the ghosts do for them? How did it helped?"

"In their own way they served as spies... not all were just simple ghosts, some were more reactive than others, they whispered some useful information every now and then, enough for them to use at their advantage..." She sighed "It was not good news but the positive side is that the most important events happen from now on, and there are no more spies around to be worried. Amra has been extra alert last 24 hours, he has allowed most of his senses awaken, and he has gone more quiet than usual and is suspicious of everything... He needs you sweetheart..."

"I understand the mutual need we have for each other, though I don't know why... but I understand..."

"He has you to keep him down to earth, sort of speak... you make him relax, you make him happy... without you, me and Pronab can notice the difference... he is like a sentinel, on guard, quiet, alert and dangerous... he is just... sad... don't get me wrong, we need him to be on his full power and senses, but as a personal note, with you he is happy doing it so..."

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