Chapter 21

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I sincerely apologize for not updating a lot lately. I tell you what. How about I make it up to you with this chapter? Sound good? Okay, great.
Seth's POV

Today I have a meeting with Hunter to discuss about me being out of The Shield.

I utterly hate and can't stand Dean and Roman. Especially Dean. He made his move on Roman and took him away from me before I even had a chance. I will be so glad to be away from those pricks. Well, if Hunter allows it.

We agreed to meet at the restaurant of his choice. I pulled into the parking lot and walked in, looking around for him.


I looked over seeing Hunter waiving me over to his table. I smiled, walking over to him.

He stood up and shook my hand before we both sat down.

"Thank you for seeing me today, Hunter." I said.

"No problem, Seth. So, what's this all about?" Hunter said.

"Well..." I said scratching the back of my neck. A little nervous at what his answer would be. "I-I was hoping if I can...if you'd let me be on my own."

"I don't understand."

"What I mean is that I want to leave the Shield."

"So, why are you telling me? Just do it."

"Well I..."

"Oh, that reminds me! I was going to ask you to join evolution with us."

"Evolution? W-Why?"

"We were thinking about making a come back and make our move towards you guys. We'll have this really big match and leave The Shield. How about it Seth, you cool with it?"

"All the way." I said shaking his hand.

We ordered food and stayed around and talked a while before heading our separate ways.

I decided that I'll work out for a bit. I went to the gym and went into the locker room to change before heading out.

I went over to run on the treadmill for a bit. I got off of that and walked over to the weights.

"Hey! How's it going, asshole?!"

I looked over and saw Dean sitting down beside me. Roman was standing behind him.

I got up and walked away.

"Oh no! Don't walk away yet, I wasn't through with you!" Dean laughed.

"Dean, you're making a scene." Roman said.

"I don't care! He's such a little bitch!" Dean said.

I backhanded Dean hard across the face making my hand hurt from it.

Tears formed in Dean's eyes.

"You're not worth my time." Dean said before him and Roman left into the locker room.

I turned around about the walk over to the weights when there was a big group of people staring at me.

"Do you need something?!" I yelled.

They all jumped and went back to what they were doing.

I stayed for a while before leaving. I went to my car and shoved the bag in the backseat.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped, pushing whoever it was away from me.

"Whoa, no need to be frightened!" Randy laughed.

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