Chapter 12

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Sit down and just read. JK.
Randy's POV

I tossed and turned I couldn't sleep. I couldn't get my mind off of that gay prick. God he makes me sick!

I grabbed onto the sheets trying to release anger but that didn't work. I got up and looked at my phone.

2:30 am

I walked out and into the kitchen getting a water bottle. I have the perfect idea to make me go back to sleep and release my anger.

I put the water bottle down walked over to Nick's room. (Dolph Ziggler)

I snuck in and shut the door. Feeling my way around the dark. I bumped into the bed I turned on a small lamp giving little light in the room.

I saw him there peacefully sleeping. Cute. Be a shame if something or someone ruined that slumber. Eh, oh well.

I flipped him over on his stomach and pulled down his pants along with his underwear. I slid in him and started pounding away.

Soon, a few minutes later he woke up confused. He started to freak out. I don't think he new who I was, which was even better.

He started to scream. I pulled him by his hair.

"Shut up!" I demanded.

He whined. When I finished I felt a lot better. I laid down next to him. He had a look of relief when he noticed that it was me.

"Randy, what are you doing?" He asked.

"I couldn't sleep." I said.

"Bullshit, get out of my room, pig!" He yelled pointing to the door.

"It doesn't matter at least I got what I wanted." I chuckled walking out.

I walked back to my room and fell right asleep.
Dean's POV

I jolted awake. Breathing heavily, waking up Roman that slept next to me.

"Dean? What's wrong?" I asked.

I tried to catch my breath. I ignored him and went in to the other room and check on Trevor. He was fast asleep. His arm was hanging off the side of the bed. I put his arm back under the covers and walked back out.

I walked back to the room.

"Dean, what's wrong?" Roman asked again.

"I just have a bad feeling." I said looking around.

"About what?"

"Those guys that are ruining my life."

"Don't worry about them. They won't do anything."

"They already did. Three times. I have a lot to worry about."

"Well..." He said kissing my neck. "For now just come back to bed. It's two in the morning."

I nodded as I laid back down next to him. But, I couldn't fall back asleep. It took me three more hours to do so.

I woke up with light shining in through the windows. I groaned pulling the covers over my head.

"Oh, no you don't. It is now 12:00 you've done enough sleeping." Roman said.

"No." I groaned.

"Yes, get up. Trevor wants you to take him on some rides."

I got up taking a shower and getting dressed. I came back out dressed into the living room seeing Trevor watching tv.

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