Chapter 11

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I hope you guys will like this chapter.
Dean's POV

I woke up next to Roman. I looked over and saw him sleeping. He looked so cute.

I kissed his forehead. Then his lips. He moved around and open his eyes. He groaned pulling me closer to him.

"Trying to wake me?" He said.

"No." I said trying to struggle out of his grip.

"You're tying to do something."

I pecked his lips before I shook my head.

He chuckled pulling me onto his chest.

"Daddy, you're crushing me!"

I looked down to see Trevor in the middle of us.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I snuck in and slept with you guys last night."


"It was storming."

He hugged me. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too." I said.

"Are you the only one up? Where's mom?"

"Her and Sami got a different hotel room."

"What? Why?"

"They wanted to be alone."

I nodded even though it's weird.

"Daddy, I'm hungry."

"You want go down to the cafe and get some waffles?"


"Okay, but first take a shower and brush your teeth."

"Aww, I don't want to."

I looked at him.

"Okay." He said walking away.

I watched him as he walked out. Roman used his fingers to pull my face to his and pecked my lips.

"What was the real reason why you brought everyone here?" I asked.

"Why?" He said kissing my neck.

"Because I feel like you only did this to get back together with me."

He moved away from my neck and looked down at me.

"What? Okay, maybe just a little bit but, a couple of days before this. Trevor came to my hotel room and begged me to take him. So, I gave in and with you as his father you had to go too."

"Really." I said not buying it.

"Yeah, really!"


I jumped up and ran into the bathroom. I opened the door to see Trevor trying to work the shower.

"I don't know how it works."

I took a sigh of relief that he wasn't hurt. I chucked walking over to him.

"Bath or shower?" I asked.


I turned on the water and what I didn't know what that he had the shower head in his hands and hosed me down with it.

I stood there shocked with my mouth open. I heard Trevor giggling. I turned around to see Roman with his hand covering his mouth trying to hold in the laughter.

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