Chapter 2

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Dean's POV

It was dark and I didn't know where I was. I tried to move put I couldn't it hurt too much. But I didn't know what hurt me. I reached down but, everything felt fine. I have two legs, arms, hands, a nose, a face. Oh shit! I frantically reached down in my pants. Oh dear god. My little buddy is still there! I thought I lost him! But, he is not little by all means.

I heard a low chuckle. I looked around to see nothing. It was too dark. I whipped around to my right and screamed in pain. Something hurts but, I don't know what.

"Dean. Over here." The person said in a whisper.

He was so far away but so close. So close that he'd whisper in my ear but, far away that I wouldn't be able to touch him and swat him away.

I heard the chuckle again right in my ear. I lashed out but, I still couldn't hit him. He kept doing it again, and again, and again.

I lashed out again and screamed in pain.

"Where are you!" I yelled.

Just then a spotlight came on 20 feet in front of me. A silhouette of a tall muscular man appeared under it. I tried to focus my eyes to try and figure out who this man was.

He chuckled again.

"No Dean. It's not your dick or any other limb on your body that hurts. Nothing on the outside. It's on the inside." He pointed to his chest. "It hurts here. In your heart."

He tapped his chest and I felt that tap on my heart and it hurt.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you hurting me?" I said.

"I'm not hurting you. You're hurting yourself." He said.


"Look Dean, I know what kind of childhood you had growing up and that made you the man that you are today." He looked over to his right.

I followed his eyes and there were people there. A flashback?

"Can you tell me who that little boy is?" He said.

"That's me. Dean Ambrose." I said.

"No, that little boy is Jonathan Dean Good."

I shot him a cold glare because I don't like it when people use my real name.

I looked on into the flashback.

"Do you remember this day, Dean?"

I looked to see the little boy in his room sitting on the floor covering his ears and crying.

"Yeah, I remember."

The little boy continued crying. The screams and yelling of the two adults grew louder and louder causing me to cover my ears. Now, I look like the little boy. The door opened filling the room with light from the outside. The little boy looked out to see his mother lying on the ground unconscious. The little boy screamed for her and ran towards her only to get knocked down by the man.

The little boy held his head and cried. The man laughed at him and told him to suck it up and that he was pathetic. The little boy looked up the see the man with a bottle of beer in one hand and a belt in the other.

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