
136 7 0

1month later

Taylor's pov

"That's the last of the boxes", Ed sighed as he rubbed his hands together. I looked around my new kitchen that was stacked up with boxes.

"These are going to take forever to get through", I groaned placing my hand on my stomach.

"Hey but just think once we get everything put away and finished we can start on the baby's nursery", Ed smiled.

"I know we have to make it super pretty and cute", I said ecstatically. We'd found out a few weeks back that we were having a girl. "Ed I can't wait", I squeled hugging him tightly.

"I know love this is just the beginning for us", he smiled and kissed my forehead lightly.

"Yeah but like I'm pregnant so I think you might have to put away everything", I pouted.

"Hey I really don't think you are acctually going to let me do anything, you're such a perfectionist", Ed laughed and I hit his shoulder.

"Well at least I have taste", I answered back smiling slightly as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Well aren't you sassy today", he said staring my up and down.

"No just annoyed and I hate haveing to arrange everything", I groaned.

"Admit you really love it", he sighed holding my hands.

"Yeah I would if I wasn't pregnant and my back wasn't sore, I'd much rather lie down on the bed watching TV and eating a box of chocolates", I said smiling at the thought.

"Well how about this ill put the sheets on the bed, set up the TV and then you can lie diwn there with a box of chocolates and ill sort out the boxes into which room they're going to go in and then we can start them tomorrow', he suggested.

"Oh Ed you are the best and also the most amazing husband ever", I cheered clapping my hands ttogether happily and walked to my bag to get some chocolates while Ed made the bed. I slowly walked up the stairs and into the massive master bedroom.

"Thanks Ed", I yawned as I looked at the made bed.

"No problem love, just setting up the TV now and then your good to go", he winked saying the little line he use to always say to me on the RED tour. I flopped onto the bed grinning hugely and lay back to watch the telly.


"Ed", I shouted, my belly rumbling. I heard a crash downstairs and loud footsteps running up the steps. Ed finally appeared out of breath.

"What's wrong Taylor?" he panted his face looking worried.

"I'm starving", I groaned, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you want me to order pizza or something?"

"Yes pizza sounds good", I smiled modding my head. "By the way what was the crash downstairs?" I asked.

"Emmm it was a vase", Ed said slowly. "Oh and my mum called she's bringing over your cats now", he smiled.

"Yes my baby's are coming", I giggled excitedly. "Are their beds ready and litter trays out", I asked.

"Yes queen Tay", Ed mumbled and I shot him a daggered look.

"I'm not bossy, I'm just pregnant and... Ok I'm a little bossy but I am carrying another human around inside me and it's hard work", I sighed and let out a yawn.

"Hey you tired baby?" Ed asked rubbing my arm.

"A little but I want my pizza and to see Meredith and Olivia first", I groaned.


"That's the kitchen and living room sorted. Can we just take a break now?" Ed groaned running his hand through his hair.

"Hey I'm the pregnant one", I said gesturing to my belly.

"So you tell me", Ed whispered teasingly.

"Whatever", I sighed and fired a cushion at him, hitting him right on the forehead.

"Woah Tay, now please try not to kill me but would you like me to make some lunch?" Ed offered kindly.

"Yeah that would be nice", I smiled and kissed him on his lips.

"I really can't wait for this one to get here", he smirked placing his hands on my belly.

"I know right but we have to wait", I scolded. "I'm going to miss performing for a while though. But I'm going to take at least a two year break before I get back to any part of my career", I sighed, sad that my fans were going to have to wait a while to see more of me. "And at least five years till I go any tours".

"Yeah cause you're going to be a mum", Ed smiled.

"And you're going to be a Dad", I smiled back.

"'Liv get of the sofa", I scolded my little cat lifting her of the couch. "It's only new", I said speaking to her as if she was a child. "And I don't want you to ruin any of my furniture anytime soon and never if possible".

"Right I'll make lunch", Ed said speaking to me as if I were an alien. "You know what room I can't wait to do the most?" Ed sighed dreamily which made me giggle.

"The baby's?" I guesses.

"Yes, I can't wait to do our little Princess's room but we really need to start thinking of names", he said and smirked like an idiot.

A/N Hayy guys and yes it's short and yes it's kind of up late but I really need more feed back. Help me choose a name for the baby. Oh and I'll try and update tomorrow before I go on vacation.


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