I think it's fearless to fall in love with your best friend

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Taylor's pov

Ed and I walked to the taxi, linking arms and smiling widely. I had really missed Ed so blooming much, but I was afraid of admitting my feelings to him.
We got into the taxi, talking about what we were going to do, with my time here. II'd be going home in two weeks, so I was going to make sure I had a great time with Ed.

"So Tay how have you been?" Ed questioned, smiling.

"Sure you know I've been good", I smiled back, lying through my teeth. I put my head on Eds shoulder for the rest of the journey, just sitting in silence.

Eventually we arrived at Eds flat, Ed carried by bags like a gentleman and left them in the sitting room, where I would probably be sleeping for the next two weeks.

"Do you have anything to eat?" I called from the kitchen where I had searched every press and fridge to jjust find two tins of beans and a loaf of bread, oh and of teabags, well obviously because I think thats what Ed lives on.

"Ehhh, beans I think. Yeah there should be two tins, stick them on and some toast", Ed said as he entered the kitchen.

"Ok", I smirked, getting a saucepan out of the press and pouring two tins of beans in, while Ed put the bread into the toaster while making tea. Finally the food was ready and me and Ed sat on the couch munching toast and watching British Tv.

"Taylor", Ed said nervously looking at his hands. What is wrong with him?

"Yes?" I questioned, nervous now aswell.

"Do you want to go out for dinnerf with me tonight?" he asked still nervous. Why was he so nervous, it's not like we never went to dinner together before. Then it hit me, did he mean a date?

"Like a date?" I laughed trying to make it look like it wasn't a big deal if he said yes.

"Well if you want?" he smiled at me.

"Yeah I'd like that", I smiled back.


"Taylor are you ready?" Ed called from the sitting room.

"Yes", I called, quickly applying my red lipstick. I quickly looked at me reflection in the mirror before I went. I was wearing a red poka dot dress, with black kitten heels.

"Let's go", I smiled at Ed as I came into the sitting room. He looked up at me and smiled. We headed down the lift and got into the taxi Ed had called.

"You look lovely Taylor", Ed said as we were sitting in the taki.

"Thanks for saying that. You don't look too bad yourself", I laughed blushing a little.

"Thank you sir", Ed told the driver handing him money which was way more than the taxi driver had asked.

The whole dinner was lovely, Ed and I talked and talked and talked. It was lovely, I really had fallen in love with my bestfriend, I thought to myself as Ed and I sat in the taxi on the way back to his flat.

We headed up to his flat and collapsed on the couch. "That was so fun Ed", I laughed.

"Yeah eating is fun, I definately agree wityh that", Ed joined in on the laughter. Finally are laughter had died down.

"Taylor I have something to tell you", Ed said the nervousness back from earlier. I nodded my head at him for him to go on.

"Do you have feelings for me?" Ed asked looking me in  the eye.

I looked dowmn at my lap, having known I'd gone bright red. "Yes", I whispered.

"Taylor please look at me as I tell you this", Ed whispered. I looked up slowly, letting myself meet Eds gaze. "I love you Taylor", Ed said a bit more confident now, I looked at him shocked, that he loved me. "Sorry", he whispered, getting up.

"Wait Ed", I called out, he turned around slowly. "I love you too", I smiled. Ed looked at me and smiled brightly, he then approached me slowly. Slowly are lips met and than I was kissing Ed Sheeran.

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