Everything that falls gets broken

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"So are you going to tell me what happened", Harry asked as soon as we broke apart from the hug. I looked down at my phone and seen the time, luckily enough I had the day of from everything and everyone.

"Ummm, well Ed thinks I'm a liar and he broke up with me", I sobbed. Harry looked incredibly shocked.

"Wait, Ed broke up with you?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah don't sound to shocked", I said sarcastically.

"But why, would he do that?"

"The same reason you cheated on me", I screamed and rushed out of the room, into my bedroom where I broke down in tears.

Eds Pov

Way to go Ed just break up with the girl of your dreams, because she told a lie, well a few lies to be exact and her ex was staying at her flat, whom they only broke up a few months before so anything can happen. But were broken up, she can do what she wants.

My phone buzzed with a text. It was from Stuart.

'Ed where are you, you were meant to be at the studio an hour ago. I tried to ring you multiple times but you never answered. If you don't answer back in the next half hour I will be going down there myself.'

I reread the message again and checked the time. Woah it was 11 o'clock Taylor and I have been broken up for seven hours.

I quickly texted Stuart back. 'Oh um sorry I just got up I'll be down in five.' Sent! I quickly got up freshened up and grabbed a slice of toast whilst getting into a cab and heading down to the studio. After paying the taxi cab driver I quickly rushed into studio number '24'.

"Uhhh I'm here", I called hoping nobody would be too angry with me. A round of applause went around the group and a cheer of you finally made it Ed, which made me smile, but all I could think about was Taylor and how I had promised I would never break her heart but now I just did. I remember when she told me after splitting up with Harry that she was never going to fall in love again because everything that falls gets broken and I told her not all the time, one day your going to find someone, who will catch you before you brake.

Taylor's pov

Harry had gone out about an hour ago to do some rehearsals with the boys before there first show since Zayn announced his departure. Harry didn't want to leave, but I made sure he went, no way was I going to ruin his time in New York over mine and Ed's breakup. I wanted to call Ed but I couldn't because we were now ex lovers and there was nothing I wanted to tell him. Actually there was a million things I wanted to tell him, like how much I loved him and was sorry that I lied, that me and my band mate were only messing around, that Harry had no where else to stay. But I knew there was no point, he wouldn't listen to that crap, he is like me that way and that is why I love him and that is also why I needed him here with me. It won't work though, if this distance has torn us down imagine what would happen when I went on tour, it was for the better. I heard my a knock on my apartment door, I rushed quickly to open secretly hoping it was Ed. But it was Harry.

"Hi Hazz, what happened to the key I gave you", I exclaimed.

"Ehh umm", he stuttered scratching the back of his neck.

"Go on".

"I ehh lost umm it", he said cautiously. I gave him a 'how did you manage that look'. "Well I was kind of messing around with it, throwing it in the air and then catching and I kind of through it too high and it kind of landed in the river". For the first time that day I forgot about Ed and crying and ended up laughing my head of him.

"Why were you so scared to tell me", I giggled.

"I thought you would kill me because you know the way I tell everyone your insane", he smirked at his reference to my song 'Blank Space'.

"But darling, I'm a nightmare but guess what ?" I squealed.

"Your dressed like a daydream!", Harry exclaimed excitedly.

"Exactly Harry, how did you know?" I pretended to be shocked.

"Well a little birdy told me", he laughed and then winked at me.

"Would you like to come in Mr. Styles?" I asked politely.

"Only if you promise not to wreck my car or drive knives into any picture of me", he pretended to look scared.

"Sorry to tell you this I've already done that", I laughed and stepped aside so Harry could come in.

Four hours later

It was now nine o'clock and someone was knocking crazily on my door. I slowly walked towards and looked back at Harry who urged me to go further. I swear to God there was fear in his beautiful green eyes. Slowly I opened the door and there was my favourite ginger just standing there with a suitcase in his hand looking like his awkward self. Giddly I pulled him in for a hug which ended up turning into a sweet but passionate kiss.

"I'm so sorry Taylor I didn't mean any of those things I said", Ed smirked.

"It's ok Ed and I'm sorry for lying to you", I cried. Harry cleared his throat awkwardly and I turned around and ran over to him and gave him the biggest hug ever.

"You were right Harry, Ed did come back to me your the best", I whispered in his ear. Which resulted in him kissing the top of my head as to say your welcome. Now it was Ed's turn to cough awkwardly, I pulled away from Harry's embrace and caught myself staring into his green eyes.

"I better go or I'll be late for the performance, it'll give you guys some time to talk over things. Bye Tay and bye Ed".

"Bye Harry", we said sync.

"He's really trying to be my friend again Ed and I don't want to let him slip away. He could of took advantage over me but he didn't I'm not letting him go away", I smiled happily.

"And I'm not letting you go again", Ed stated pulling me in for a kiss.

A/N Hayy guys, I updated two chapters in one day. Wow I think there is definitely something wrong with me. But I'm really liking how well this story is going and like I have 340 views. This is a massive achievement for me, so yeah don't be shy tell me your opinion on my book and if you ever want me to check out yours let me know down in the comments

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