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Taylor's pov

Are menus arrived quickly and I looked at Ed. "What are you getting?" I asked giddily.

"Ummm. Maybe just some roost beef and mash, what about you?" he smiled.

"I don't know yet maybe some salmon", I smiled. The rest of the night resumed with small talk and telling each other what we have been up to the past couple of months.

"Ed that was such a lovely evening", I told him as we got into the car.

"I did try", he laughed, his phone started ringing, he glanced down cautiously at it. "I'm sorry I really have to get this", he said quickly and rushed out of the car. I watched him waving his arms in the air franticly and looking a mix of emotions. Eventually he got in the car.

"What's wrong?" I asked quickly. He didn't even glance at me just started to drive really quickly.

"Ed please tell me what's wrong", I said agitated.

"We have to get you home", he said hurriedly.

"Ed pull over", I said softly. He just ignored me and continued racing the roads. "Ed pull the fuck over", I shouted, he looked at me in shock. "Please just pull over". I placed my hand on his forearm and at last he pulled over. He put his head in his hands and when he looked me I seen the same sadness in his eyes I seen at the award show. "Now tell me what that was about?" I said calmly.

"You won't care", he mumbled. "We just need to get you home and then I can sort this out".

"Sort what out?" I asked searching his eyes for answers. "And of course I will care. Ed I know we are starting afresh but that don't mean we can't trust each other".

"Are you sure you want to hear?" he asked and I nodded my head. "Okay, a couple months back a while after we broke up my mum came to my hotel room in New York and told me that my Dad had stared up hid drinking habit again and that he hit her, she said it was her fault that she got in his way. I tried to get her to leave him before anything bad happened but she wouldn't listen to me and just repeated that she loved him and now", he sighed deeply and I grabbed his hand and nodded my head for him to go on. "And now my Dad, he doesn't even deserve to be called that. But anyway now she is in hospital because he physically beat her up. Taylor my mum is in hospital and my Dad is in jail", he let out a sob at the end and I pulled his lips down to mine and kissed him.

"Are we going to the hospital to see your mother?" I asked.

"You want to come with me?" he asked a bit shocked.

"Of course, you are my best friend and I'd do anything for you", I replied.

"You are amazing", he smiled. How much I wanted to tell him I loved him but not yet, the time is not right and what if he didn't feel the same way. I'm sure he couldn't have fallen out of love that fast though.

"Let's go and take it easy this time", I scolded. He looked at me a laughed.

"Ok Miss". I just smiled at him and shook my head.


"Woah how could this many people know my mother is in hospital", Ed gasped obviously irritated.

"Ed just keep calm", I told him in a soothing tone. "We're here to see your mother, now just breathe".

"Okay, thanks Tay". I held Ed's hand for support as we made our way into the hospital, with the help of Ed's bodyguards who seemed to know that they should be here.

"Ed, what's wrong with your mother?" a pap yelled

"Oh looks like sneaky Taylor made her way back into your life", another one shouted. Soon there voices were drowned out when we eventually made our way through the paps and some of Ed's fans who were there to support him but he gave them the cold shoulder.

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