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Ed’s pov

When I arrived at the studio it was twelve o’clock. I was worried about Taylor though to be honest. She might of said she’d b alright and that she had plans but I don’t believe her for one second. She is the worst liar ever but I know she’ll be ok. At least I’ll be in New York for two more weeks so by the time I go back to London hopefully she’ll have forgotten all about Harry. That is if Stewart doesn’t decide to go back early.

 After three hours of recording I was finally done. I felt bad though because I promised Taylor I’d be finished in two hours. Hopefully she understands.

 “Hey Ed”, I heard stu call as I was heading for my car.

 “Yah?”, I asked.

 “We’re heading back for the UK in a week now not two so make sure you have no plans or anything for next week”, Stewart told me. Shiite, but Taylor.

 “Oh ok”, I told him trying to stay calm.

 “Oh and Ed you have two interviews tomorrow so make sure you’re ready for them and they’re both live. I’ll text you more details later or I might call you. Yeah I’ll probably call you”, he told me.

 “Ok Stu, call me then tonight. I really have to go now though. Bye”, I told him while getting into a taxi.


 I knocked on the door of Taylor’s apartment praying that she wasn’t gone out. I heard shuffling around on the other side and then the door slowly opened to reveal a dishevelled looking Taylor.

 “Hey Tay sorry I was so late it was just Stu wanted me to do an extra hour of recording because I’m going back to London next week now instead of two weeks and he wants me to get as much stuff done as possible in this week”, I explained to Taylor as we headed into the kitchen. He face literally fell when I said that but she tried to cover it up with a smile.

 “Hay that’s fine Ed no need to be sorry”, she lied. I grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug. Her hair smelt like strawberries.

 “Well since I’m going home next week and have two interviews tomorrow and who knows what else Stu has lined up for me next week I think we should do something now. Like right now”, I told her cheerily.

 “Oh My Gosh, Ed yeah. I’m so sorry you probably had things planned though before I decided to annoy you and ask you to stay”, Taylor said while pulling out from the hug. I was shocked.

 “What? No Taylor. I had northing planned. Actually I was hoping that you’d want to hang out with me before you called me so yeah you’re not annoying, you’re actually really cool”, I smiled.

 “Cool Ed really. Me, cool. That’s the first I’ve ever heard someone call me cool. But thanks anyway and thanks for staying with me. If you ever want to go just go don’t be thinking you have to stay her”, Taylor said trying not to meet my gaze. Even though I knew she was lying her words still hurt a bit.

 “What about going to a cafe then since either of us are not busy and I’m kind of hungry? ”, I asked Taylor hoping she would agree because I was starving and from the looks of the kitchen I’m guessing Taylor hasn’t ate at all today.

 “OK Ed that sounds good and I know the prettiest and most tastiest restaurant here”, Taylor giggled happily. I love when she’s happy, it literally makes me smile.

 “Ok so shall we leave then? ”, I asked smiling knowing exactly what she was going to say next by the horrified look on her face.

 “Ed, look at the state of me, I need to fix myself u before I even go out that door”, she looked down at her feet.

 “Taylor you look fine honest”, I said truthfully. Well actually she looks beautiful, she always does anyway.

 “Ed let me do my makeup and then we shall go. Ok?”, Taylor smiled.

 “Ok Taylor but please hurry because I’m really hungry”, I laughed.

 “Ok Ed. You can come to my room with me and talk to me while I put on my makeup”, she said.

 “Right, then”. Then we headed to the room.

 A couple of minutes later we were ready and heading outside. Taylor had told me that the cafe was in walking distance hopefull she meant like two minutes away and not twent because I was super hungry now.

 As soon as we were outside we were flooded by paps. Taylor kinda clung to my arm she was still upset from her break up with Harry and the comments the paps were making were not helping.

 “Heyy Taylor why are you with Ed?’’

 "’Taylor, you slut going out with Harry’s best friend. Just when you guys broke up?”

 That was only some of the stuff they were saying. Taylor clung tighter to me with every nasty comment they made. Eventually we arrived at the cafe Taylor was talking about and we sat near the back after we ordered. Taylor took of her sunglasses and I could see the tears in her eyed.

 “Ed I don’t think I was ready to leave the safety of my apartment yet”, she whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek. It wasn’t really like Taylor to pass much heed on what the paparazzi said to her.

 “Tay it’ll be ok”, I said as I reached out a hand to bush the tear away. “Please don’t listen to them. Ok?”

 “I can’t not listen do Ed. I hat pretending to not care even when it hurts so much. Ed those pictures are going to be up all over the internet and who knows what stories they are going to make up about us. Then everyone will hate me even more and call me more horrible things”, she started to cry.

 “Please Taylor don’t cry. I know the truth and your fans will stick by you no matter what. You know that don’t you. Let the haters hate because that’s all there ever going to do. Taylor I’m going to be here for you for the rest of this week and whenever you need me after that remember I’m only a phone call away so whenever you need to talk to someone don’t be afraid to talk to me. Remember that I don’t care if it’s one p.m or one a.m call me whenever”, I told her truthfully and with that Taylor seemed to cheer up at least a bit.

 A/n Hayy guys sorry for the slow update, it’s just I’ve been really busy. Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don’t forget to comment and vote. Thakies!!!

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