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Ed's pov

All to quickly the kiss ended, it was one of the best kisses I had ever had. Taylor looked up at me and smiled shyly, which quickly ended by a frown, which turned to her worrying.

"Ed what...?" she didn't finish her setence becaus I cut her of.

"Shh Tay don't you worry your pretty little mind", I said quoting one of her songs, which she usually smiled at but today it didn't help.

"Ed how can you expect me not to worry, what will everyone think", she said sharply. "Everyone is going ot start hating on me again but worst of all you, I don't want to get hurt again. And also I'll be called a slut, whore everything over the sun all over again and probably worse because you're Harry's bestfriend and", she mumbled on sharply not making much sense.

"Shh please Taylor, why should it matter what other people think. I won't let it get to me and I know you won't let it get to you, please let us see if this can work and if it doesn't we can go back to best friends", I told her softly.


"We don't need to tell anyone yet", I whispered taking hold of her hands. She looked up at me smiling and nodded her head. I kissed her softly on her lips, which turned into a passionate kiss. Taylor pulled away from the kiss slowly.

"OK Ed, let's try and make this work but please don't tell anyone yet", she said serious.

"I promise, love ya Tay", I smiled happy I could tell her out loud now and no that she loves me back.

"Love ya to Ed", she smiled back, laughing with the glint of happiness in her eyes that I love.
Taylor's pov

"So you's are dating then", Selena gushed the next day.

"Yeah I suppose", I smiled blushing slightly.

"Omg you's are completely perfect for each other. This is just amazing, I can tell he is going to make you so happy", she smiled chattering happily. I just shook my head laughing at her. Soon enough the waiter came with our lunch and seemed completely surprised to see too celebrities sitting here.

"Oh umm.. here you go", she stuttered.

"Thanks very much lovely", I smiled kindly.

"No problem, would you mind if I got an autograph form yas both?" she asked shyly.

"No problem at all, here you go", Selena said handing her the napkin in which we both had signed our names.

"Thank you both so much", she smile happily clutching the napkin to her chest and walking back to carry on with her work.

"Oh god she was the sweetest", I said to

"Ahh I know. So anyway back to you and Ed, so when are yas making it public".

"Ehh I don't I don't want anyone to no yet kind of way, only you and close friends and family, people who I know won't tell anyone. You know what I mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows hoping I was doing the right thing in telling Selena.

"Yes of course I know and I definately won't tell anyone so no need to worry", she smirked probably guessing what thoughts were running through my head. "So who all knows now?"
"Just you so far, but I'll be telling more people soon", I told her.

After lunch Selena and I parted ways, hoping to see each other soon, I was now headed to rehearsels for tonight's show which I was dreading because I hadn't sang in from of a crowd in ages. I was performing on The Jonathan Ross Show in Britain tonight and he was interviewing me also I was pretty nervous. In two days I will be heading back to America to start rehearsing for my 1989 World tour which I was pretty damn excited about. I'm afraid though that this is going to ruin my relationship with Ed, long distance never works. We're really going to need to talk this through.

Eds pov
I quickly switched on The Jonathan Ross Show to see Taylor's interview.

There she was looking absolutely stunning, in a sparkly light pink high waisted skater skirt, with a matching long sleeve cropped top. Wow, I seriously can't believe she is actually mine.
'Hello miss Taylor'
'Hello Mr. Jonathan' she giggled.
'Ok well your new album 1989 is still doing amazing and it's been in the charts for weeks now. Can you tell us a bit in what inspired you to write this album?' he questioned.
'Well I moved to New York recently and I absolutely fell in love with it. I just think this is a new era for me and I love it. I love my fans also and I loved that they loved the new album as well. This was my first time from moving to country to pop so yeah I was pretty nervous that they wouldn't like it. So to answer your question, jeez I reall do get side tracked. Anyway, learning a new way to deal with haters, bullies. Moving to New York, finding myself, yeah that pretty much sums it up", she smiled.
'Woah Taylor' he laughed which she joined in with. 'What are your fans called like you know what I mean?' he asked.
'Ahh Swifties, they picked it themselves and I think it is so super cute', she gushed. He smiled back at her and then they just chatted. But the last question caught my attention.
'So are you seeing anyone'. She let out a a disgusted laugh.
'Ehhh noway no boys for now anyway, I'm single and that's that'.
'So what about Ed Sheeran'
'Oh we're just friends and we most definately nothing more than that', she sighed as if she was sick of the question. After that she sang 'Welcome to New York'. I then switched of the telly and lay down on te couch feeling a little bit pissed, but didn't really no why. Taylor told me she didn't want to go public and I didn't really want to either. I think it was just the way she said she would never go out with me, making me out to be a fool. What the hell was wrong with me? Sure I blooming got the girl.

A/n Im so sorry I haven't updated in blooming ages so not like me, I just couldn't find the time. Byyee

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