Layla- Turtle Shell

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Picture of Bradley to the side... Adam Gregory

Someone shoved me, and I staggered before regaining my stride. I dodged a discreetly placed foot that is directly in my path.

A blond bumped into my shoulder aggresively, snarling under her breath. I kept my head down watching my black converses.

I stifled a sob, they were Clancy's. He could never own anything again. I barley even wore my own clothes anymore.

"Hey." A voice said and I peered up to the side to see Bradley. His gray eyes lit up as he smiled at me and held out a muffin," Brought it for you." I took it, giving him my books. He easily put them in the crook of his arm and slings the other over my shoulder.

I bite into it and blueberry flavor bursts into my mouth.

"Oh, I could kiss you for this." I moaned, taking another chunk.

I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye," I wouldn't mind that." He teased, I elbow him in the ribs softly.

He winces," Careful, LayLay. I'm sore."

I snorted," From? I haven't seen you ever work out, so unless you fell down the stairs or got beat up I don't undertsand why you're sore."

He mocked hurt," For your information, I'm trying out for the football team. And you're trying out for the cheerleading team. Remember, your Mom's making you."

I groaned," Don't remind me. She said something about good memories and then her and my dad started making out." I shuddered.

He gave a face of interested digust," Did they use tongue?"

I slapped him as he dropped my books onto my table," I didn't watch! I'm not a perv!" He look away innocently," I dunno, you're kinda-" A sqealing mass of blond hit him before he could finish.

I heard kissing noises as he began to make out with his girlfriend of the week.

"Um, excuse me. I don't enjoy this." I announced, inching away. She pulled back, sneering at me," You're just jealous I have a boyfriend that doesn't hit me."

And just when I was having a good day....

I pulled my hood up, backing up to my seat without another word. I averted my gaze from her hazel and spoke softly to Bradley only.

"If your sitting with me, then you have to carry my books to next class." I bargained. He and Karsen always fought over who sat next to me, so they bribed me with things.

"You're sitting with her? She'll try to steal you away. She's just a slut." The blond snarled, tugging needfully on Bradley's sleeve.

He sent her a glare, leaning down to whisper harshly in her ear. Her face dropped and she scuttled away.

He slid in beside me," You run a high price, but I accept." He smiled smugly at Karsen who had just plopped down at the table next to me.

"Aw man! You already gave him dibs?" He whined.

I smirked slightly," What can I say? I like being book free."

His face became thoughtful," I'll give you a back massage at lunch and carry your books if you override his claim." He mused. Bradley exhaled angrily.

"Deal." We shook hands and I gave and apologetic grin to Bradley," Sorry, but you can sit with your girlfriend now." I swallowed on the word.

He shook his head," I dumped her."

I chuckled," I wondered what had rained on her hate parade." Karsen gripped my arm, leaning to breath paniced in my ear," I can't believe you ever let this happen to me." Jerking his chin to the glorious Macy beside him.

I waggled my eyebrows, sarcasm coating my words nicley," But you should be GLAD that you dont have to sit with a S-SLUT like me." I tripped over the word, even though I was only joking.

His face became soft," Hey, don't listen to them. They have nothing better to do."

I shifted away, locking up my emotions," That's what they all say." I informed numbly. Popping in my earphones.

I saw Karsen and Bradley exchange worried glances, but ingored them. Lately I was curling up in my shell more often. I had nothing to see. Why would I want to hear people make fun of me all day anyways?

And Macy was definentley making fun of me now, I could tell by the way she was gesturing towards me with her hands and her pink glossed lips were turned down in a scowl.

Yeah, this was my life.

Have you ever had that feeling were you're excited about something? Or when you wake up and you're just content even if you don't like school, you can look forward to something?

I used to have plans, many. I never had that feeling anymore.

I dreamed of celleges before. Now I was set on the army, Clancy didn't die for nothing. I would make sure of that.

Mr. Paternoga made a face when he saw my earbuds, but didn't object. It wouldn't get him anywhere. In the past month I had been sent down to the office countless times for listening to music.

Bradley held my hand under the table, well tried. I ripped away from him, scooting back so they were both out of reach.

Musics music. I closed my eyes.

When the bell rang, I rushed out. I left my books on the table though, Karsen was still going to carry those.

I internally laughed. I gave a little glance back down the hallway to affirm that he was indeed carrying my books, exiting the room a blathering Macy following.

I was so amused that I didn't even notice the leg in my way. My legs went out from under me, I saw the tiles coming out towards me and pushed and arms out.

My hand tilted oddly under all the weight and I heard a snapping sound. It wasn't blazingly loud, more like a pop. I cried out in pain.

My head hit with a more audible crack and I whimpered again.

Everyone got silent as I lay there, trying to gather myself. I heard clattering footsteps and Bradley was by my side, grabbing my injured hand to help me up. I screamed, and he released me. Concerm crossed his face as I gathered my self, holding my bad hand to my chest feebly.

"LayLay, let me see it. I think you might have broken something." He tried again to take my hand, but I stepped back, ramming into someone's chest.

That guy shoved me," Move, Kultz!" He growled, people laughed. I blushed, struggling to put on my poker face. When I finally did, I brushed myself off, yelping under my breath when my wrist seared pain up my hand.

I muttered a reassurence to Bradley before rushing past him to the class. After a minute Karsen entered and gave me his big puppy dog eyes. So brown.

"Can I see, please Layla?" He asked.

I swallowed, trying to resist. He leaned down and brushed my hair back. His breath fanned over my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"Please?" He repeated, lips brushing my shoulder. Almost unwillingly, I shot my hand out. He took it gently. He turned it slightly, and I bit my lip wincing.

"It's broken alright. We gotta get you to the hospital."

I sighed. Sinking farther into my turtle shell.

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