Touch (2p America-sequel to No Light)

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There's a love between us still
But something's changed and I don't know why
And all I want to do is go home with you
But I know I'm out of my mind

Rushing your limp form to the hospital, Allen burst through the emergency rooms door.
"Someone, help," he shouted before doctors quickly came and placed you on a gurney, rushing you to a surgery room. He tried to follow them, but a nurse step in front of him, blocking his path.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't be in there. The best you can do is stay in the waiting room, and just wait for her," she told him with a sympathetic tone. Calming his breathing, he followed the nurse to the waiting room.

He waited, and continued to wait. It wasn't until hours later did (Y/N's) doctor inform him that she was alive, but she was placed in a coma. Tears perched his eyes at the news, and slowly trailed down his face.

The nurse stepped over to him, and informed his that he could visit her now. Allen nodded his head, and followed the nurse to your room to see your delicate face peacefully sleeping. You were paler than normal, but breathing nonetheless.

Gently, he stroked your face with saddened eyes. "This is all my fault (Y/N), I'm so sorry I got you into this. I swear, I'll make it better," he whispered to your sleeping form before pecking your cheek, and leaving the hospital for good.

I want to touch you but I'm too late
I want to touch you but there's history
I can't believe that it's been three years
Now when I see you, it's so bittersweet

Gasping for breath, you sat up on the bed you resided in. Looking around the unfamiliar room, you noticed that it was a hospital bed. Soon enough, nurses and doctors flooded the room asking you questions about your health.

"Where's Allen," you asked, making the other questions silence.
"What do you remember last, (Y/N)," a kind looking nurse asked with sympathetic eyes.
"I remember having a fight with my boyfriend Al before we finally hugged it out. After that, it's a bit hazy," you responded with confusion laced on your face.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but, that was three years ago. You were shot by a long distance gun. You're lucky that Mr. Jones could bring you to us in time," she informed you.
"But where is he," you shouted in concern. Shocked at your sudden outburst, she held onto your hand until you calmed down.
"We haven't seen him since the day he brought you here. I'm so sorry sweetie," she informed you. Tears pooled in your eyes, and you quickly latched onto the nurse in a hug while the tears fell. She tried her best to comfort you while the other doctors left the room.

You want to touch me but you're too late
You want to touch me but there's too much history
Starting to live the lies we tell ourselves
I only need you to be friends with me

Looking back at the hospital, Allen sighed before getting into his car. Pulling out the picture of you that he kept in his wallet, he made your photo a promise.
"(Y/N), I promise to you that I will avenge you. I'll kill that bastard!"

Driving out of the hospital's parking lot, he drove at an illegally high speed to the Mafia Bosses mansion.
"You bastard! You did this to her," Allen shouted upon entering Luciano's office.
"Why, whatever could you possibly mean," he purred with a devious smirk.
"You damn well know! You shot her, you shot (Y/N)," he shouted once again in anger.
"(Y/N)? Oh, you mean that pathetic human you dated. Yes, I had my men take care of her. It's the consequences you have to pay for letting out my secret, you know," Luciano said matter-of-factly.
Anger flowed throughout Allen's body, and when it became too unbearable, he tackled the Italian man before him. Throwing punches, all of his rage was unleashed.

I've never felt so close
But now I know it's over
And all I want to do is go home with you
But I know I'm out of my mind

After your health became expectable in the doctor's standards, they allowed you permission to return home. Open opening your home's door, you faced the untouched apartment. Dust coated almost everything, yet nothing looked out of place from the last time you were there over three years ago. Grazing your hand on the table, you looked down to see the dried blood that once was yours. Turning your gaze to the table, you noticed two letters addressed to you. Grabbing the first that was obviously Allen's sloppy writing, you ripped open the letter to find a card. Opening the card, your eyes read over the messy writing.

"Hey (Y/N), Allen here. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to do something incredibly stupid, and that I love you. You are the best thing that has happened in my life, and I'm not going to let some bastard ruin what we have. I know that you won't read this for a while since you're asleep at the hospital, but hopefully you get the chance to soon. I made a promise to you, that I would make everything alright, and that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to kill Luciano Vargas. He broke his promise to protect you, he shot you, and I'm going to make him pay. By the time you read this, he's dead, or I am. Know this; I will always love you, and there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. Goodbye for now, (Y/N). Love, Allen Jones~"

"You idiot," you shouted at the letter, trying to hold back tears. You didn't know much about this Luciano guy, but you knew that he had power. Shaking your head in agony, you gingerly placed the card back on the table, and opened the next one addressed to you.

There's a love between us still but something's changed and I don't know why
(I've never felt so close, but now I know it's over)
And all I want to do is go home with you but I know I'm out of my mind
(Between us)
(Never felt, never felt, never, never felt)

Your name was written out in nice cursive letters on the card. Slowly opening it, you read over the letter inside it. In big cursive letters it simply stated "He's dead." Dropping the card to the floor, you followed its lead, landing on your knees. Tears pooled down your eyes, understanding full well of what the card meant. He was dead. He was Allen. He was your boyfriend, and now he is dead.

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