You Are My Sunshine (2p Prussia)

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You Are My Sunshine - Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell (There is many covers of this song)

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping,
I dreamed I held you in my arms,
but when I woke dear, I was mistaken,
and I hung my head and cried

You, once again, woke to an empty bed, besides yourself. As you slowly woke, your arms moved around, almost as if to find something, or someone. When your arms found nothing in the spot they were so use to holding onto, your eyes opened. You raised from your spot and looked at the empty side of the bed. Tears began to build up in your eyes before you blinked them away. The spot wouldn't have been empty. That is, if he was still here.

"It's nothing new," you tried to reason with yourself.

You got out of bed and began to get ready for today. It was a special occasion after all. You laid out a beautiful black dress () (Or whatever black dress you want to wear) across your bed with a few other accessories. Your face held a look of pain and sadness as you frowned down at the outfit. You didn't want to wear it. However, you will, for him.
You continued to get dress, with a frown still apparent on your face. When you were ready to leave, you grabbed your purse and shades, and walked out the door.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
you make me happy when skies are gray
you'll never know dear, how much I love you,
please don't take my sunshine away

As you walked to your location, you spotted a flower shop nearby. You directed your path towards the small shop. As you entered, a friendly employee at the counter gave you a warm welcome with a kind smile. You managed to give him a small smile and nod in return. You directed your gaze back to the flowers. As you looked, you stumbled upon the perfect bouquet. It was only two types of flowers, but their meaning fit perfectly. The first type of flower was forget-me-nots. Their meaning: "Remember me forever; True Love; Memories." The second type of flower was daffodils. Their meaning; "Regard; Unrequited Love; You're the Only One; The Sun is Always Shining When I'm with You."
You paid for the bouquet and left the store, continuing your walk to your previous location. You smiled down at the flowers in your hand, but it faltered when you reached your location.

I'll always love you and make you happy
if you will only say the same
but if you leave me to love another
you'll regret it all some day

You sat in an availed seat. Not many people showed up, and only a few did you recognize. Kuro, Luciano, and Lutz's sat up front, wearing black clothing as well. Their faces shown similar emotions: remorse, grief, and sadness.
As you waited for the event to start, a few people approached you, giving you encouraging word. You just forced a fake smile and thanked them. After a few minutes, the ceremony finally started.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
you make me happy, when skies are gray,
you'll never know dear, how much I love you,
please don't take my sunshine away

Tears were released from many of the few people that showed up eyes, including your own. There he goes, the love of your life. Taken away so wrongfully by fate and its cruel tricks. Fate even made it a sunny day outside. He didn't deserve this. He belonged with you, not in a casket.

Gillen, why did you leave me? You were my sunshine, the only light I had in this dark, cruel, world. You made me happy when I thought it was impossible. I loved you, no, still love you! And never will a day go on that I will stop loving you...

You told me once dear you really loved me
that no one else could come between
but now you've left me and love another
you have shattered all my dreams.

The day he had died was the day he had proposed to you. The thought of him getting on one knee and slipping the ring on your finger after you said yes brought even more tears to your eyes. You looked down at your ring finger to find the beautiful ring still placed there. Never will you take it off. It means to much to you. Taking it off would be the same as throwing Gillen's love away, and never would you do that, even after his death.

The memories of that very night he had died flowed through your memory. After he had slipped the ring on your finger, he promised to protect you and not endanger the both of your lives, so he quiet his ties with some of his dangerous friends and quiet his dangerous job. But, that only made him loose his own life. Apparently, a guy who he did business with wasn't happy with his choice, and killed him, right in front of you. The thought of his blood sent shivers down your back.

The life he once loved took his own life...

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
you make me happy, when skies are gray,
you'll never know dear, how much I love you,
please don't take my sunshine away

Before they closed his casket, you walked up to view him, in the flesh, one last time. His was dresses nicely, but pale as can be. His once emotionless face that would rarely give you a smile was that of a peaceful sleeper. An eternal sleep. You bent down and placed a short kiss upon his lips.

"I will love you forever, Gillen. Thank you for being my sunshine."

You placed the bouquet into his hands, and let the funeral service employees close his casket and place him into the ground.
Tears once again fell from your eyes. Never would you run out of tears for your one and only sunshine.

Author's Note: Why do I do this to myself and you lovely readers ;^;.  I keep on bringing the feels with these last two updates, I'm sorry...  Hope you liked it! Oh, who am I kidding, this got me all depressed writing! I'm sure I ruined a childhood song for many of you. Once again, I'm sorry. And sorry if the dress link doesn't work, or if you don't wear dresses, wear whatever you want to wear to this funeral.

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