Between The Bars (2p England)

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Between The Bars-Elliot Smith

Drink up baby, stay up all night
With the things you could do
You won't but you might
The potential you'll be
That you'll never see
The promises you'll only make

Everything was quiet in the house. The only noise you could hear was that of you chewing a cupcake.
You sat at the kitchen table, eating a cupcake and drinking some tea. In normal situations, you would have had a drink of alcohol at a bar, but that changed when you met him. Oliver Kirkland.
He gave you a chance when no one else would. He helped you change your ways. You two were partners in crime and lovers as well. Were. If only he wasn't caught.

A tear rolled down your check at the thought of him.

I could have saved him.
I should have been caught, not him
Why didn't I fight?
I wish that I could fix all of this

Drink up with me now
And forget all about
The pressure of days
Do what I say
And I'll make you okay
And drive them away
The images stuck in your head

You could still remember the sound of the sirens that day.
It was a slow business day at Oliver's bakery. You were sweeping the floor as Oliver made cupcakes. Of course you knew what his secret recipe was. You did help him collect it.

As you began to place the broom back in the closet, the bakery's door slammed open. Armed cops ran into the tiny bakery. You stared in fear at all of the cops and guns.
"Hands up," they yelled at you.
You immediately raised your hands into the air, to afraid not to comply.

As two buff cops placed handcuffs on your wrist, the others rushed passed you into the kitchen.
A minute later, they returned with a shaken Oliver in handcuffs. He looked as though he was about to break down in tears.
He looked over at you and tried to pull in your direction, you doing the same, but the cops held the both of you back.
"It's going to be alright poppet! Don't worry! I love you," he shouted to you as he was pulled away.
You struggled to reach Oliver, tears threatening to rush out of your eyes. And he was taken away from you.
I should of told him that I love him

People you've been before
That you don't want around anymore
That push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still

You grieved over Oliver as you ate one of the last cupcakes that Oliver made. He wasn't dead. Well, at least not yet. Court for Oliver's punishment was next week but no doubt, he would be sentenced to the lethal injection. The media called him a monster, but he was anything but. He didn't kill just anyone, only the bad people. He made them sweet, something they never were before.

You still remember the first time you met Oliver. You were in culinary school, trying to get a degree in order to open up your own café or bakery. You adored pastries and almost anything sweet. You were so close to graduating; you just needed to get an internship so you could get a firsthand experience with working at a restaurant.

As you were looking through job openings, you came across Oliver's Bakery. It was right up your alley, though others would tend to disagree. You might come across as violent, but truly, you were as sweet as can be!
On your first day of internship, Oliver was there to help you, even though that was supposed to be your job. He taught you everything about baking that he could. It was very interesting to learn from him. He was just amazing!
You continued to work for Oliver, losing a few bad habits like drinking alcohol and cursing. Your dark clothes turned bright and cheerful; and you enjoyed every minute of the change.

After you graduated college, Oliver jumped at the chance to hire you, which you agreed to. You may of become a bit attached to the cheerful Brit at your time working there. Oliver and you became close, really close. The two of you even began to date each other.
He told you about the basement and the secret ingredients, but you continued to work for him, with a smile on your face. You even helped him poison his victims and dissect them in the basement.

Drink up baby, look at the stars
I'll kiss you again between the bars
Where I'm seeing you there
With your hands in the air
Waiting to finally be caught

Time sure seems to fly when you are depressed. In no time, it was time for you to come into court.
They expected you to hate Oliver, to confess all of the 'horrible' things Oliver did. They viewed you as the poor victim of a mad man.
When you were questioned by a lawyer, you refused to tell them anything. It wasn't until the lawyer thought it would be a good idea to tell you the 'awful' deeds Oliver committed, then you broke.

"...Not only has Mr. Kirkland committed the murder of many innocent people," the lawyer told the jury before he was interrupted by Oliver giggling.
"Silly! Those people were not innocent," Oliver told the lawyer before releasing another set of giggles.
"Listen to him ramble on as if lives are disposable! He is a mad man, a cannibal; he should be sentenced to the lethal injection," he shouted.
"That's it," you told yourself. You may have tamed your anger issues with Oliver, but this man brought it all back.
"You're wrong," you shouted, standing up from your seat at the bench.
"Oliver is the kindest man I have ever met! He would never lie about anything," you shouted at the lawyer, about to land a punch upon him before the security guard tried to removed you from the room, but not before your eyes met with Oliver's. He gave you a sad smile and mouthed thank you.

You thrashed in the arms of the guard. You didn't say it the last time he was taken away from you, but this time you will. You wiggled your way out of the security guards grip before running to Oliver.
Once you reached him, you pulled him into a kiss. Gasp were heard all across the courtroom. The security guard quickly pulled you away once again.
"I love you Oliver," you shouted before being taken away.
"I love you, too, my poppet," he yelled back.

Drink up one more time
And I'll make you mine
Keep you apart,
Deep in my heart
Separate from the rest,
Where I like you the best
And keep the things you forgot

He was going to die. It was decided by the judge and the jury. The evidence was overbearing, and Oliver wasn't helping his case when he confessed to killing those people.

He only had a few hours left before they gave him the lethal injection. He had asked to see you one last time, so there you were. You had dark circles under your eyes from the lack of sleep. Security guards had escorted you all the way there. After the incident in the courtroom, they had declared you crazy, and sent to a mental hospital.

Once the guards sat you across from Oliver and left, you reached across the table and hugged Oliver. Tears poured out of your eyes.
"It's ok, poppet, don't cry," he tried to comfort you while petting your hair.
"No its not! They're taking you away from me, permanently!"
He flinched at your comment, and continued to pet your hair.

This continued for what felt like hours; crying on his shoulder as Oliver held you.
"I love you, (Y/N). Don't you ever forget that," he whispered into your ear.
"I won't. I love you, too," you whispered back in between sniffling.

Not even a minute later, they pulled you away from him. You cried and tried to reach him, but they pulled you away. Right as they dragged you out of the room, you looked at Oliver's face. He gave you a sad smile. A tear trickled down his freckled cheek. And that was the last you saw of him before he was taken forever away from you.

The people you've been before
That you don't want around anymore
That push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still

You stared at the blank, empty, wall in your new room at the mental institute they had placed you in. It had been a full week since Oliver was sent to the lethal injection; taken away from you. You haven't spoken a word, slept, and barely ate since then. A blank gaze was all that was apparent on your face besides the obvious sign of sleep deprivation.

"Come on (Y/N), eat some food," your nurse asked of you.
You didn't even look at her, or the food.
It took a few minutes, but she finally left with a sigh of frustration.

It's been a week since then, and still no 'improvements on your health.'
Of course nothing would be alright. Oliver's not here. Oliver. I want Oliver.
Not a second had the thought of Oliver left your mind. It drove you to the break of insanity.
"If I can't be with him here, then I'll just leave," you told yourself with a rough voice, it being the first time for you to talk in two weeks.
You threw off the covers on your bed and began to tie them up.

"Don't worry Oliver! We'll be together now," you said as you tied the noose you made around your neck, and then jumped.

Author's Note: As you can all probably guess, you committed suicide in this one shot. Sorry about that, I've just had a bit of writer's block and then this song comes to me and gives me this crazy idea. It would help if I had some request *wink,wink* ~ Welp, hope this was enjoyable-ish; suicide is always a hard subject for me....

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