Handlebars (2p Russia)

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I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars
I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

"Grandma, can you tell me a story," asked a young girl as she sat in front of her beloved grandmother.

"Of course I can, and I know just the perfect one. It started many years ago, before I was even born," the old woman exclaimed.


"Viktor," a young girl shouted as she ran down the road to her friend. He was much older than she was, but she didn't care. He didn't speak much, and he was pretty cold around people, but he was always there for the girl.

"Viktor, can you teach me how to ride a bike. All the other kids know how, except for me," she asked with determination in her eyes.

With a grunt of approval, she shouted with glee and thanked him.

Soon enough she learned how to ride a bike better than any other child. She could even ride without holding onto the handlebars.


Look at me, look at me
Hands in the air like it's good to be
Alive and I'm a famous rapper
Even when the paths are all crookedy
I can show you how to do see do
I can show you how to scratch a record
I can take apart the remote control
And I can almost put it back together
I can tie a knot in a cherry stem
I can tell you about Leif Erikson
I know all the words to "De Colores"
And "I'm proud to be an American"
Me and my friend saw a platypus
Me and my friend made a comic book
And guess how long it took
I can do anything that I want 'cause look

"Viktor," the teenage girl called to her long time friend. Even after all these years, he hadn't changed one bit, whereas the girl grew to become a beautiful young lady.

"Viktor, I need help. I need to find a passion but I don't know how," she said with a saddened expression.

"What are you good at," he asked with his thick Russian accent.

Thinking it over, the girl began to list a few of her hobbies. "I'm pretty good at rapping. I can dance. I have good grades in history. Oh, and I once made a comic!"

"If you enjoy doing them, then they are your passion. Don't ever give up on your passion," he told her.

"Wow, Viktor, I never thought of it that way. Thanks, you're the best," she said with a wide grin.


I can keep rhythm with no metronome
No metronome
No metronome
And I can see your face on the telephone
On the telephone
On the telephone

Years past, and the teenager finally finished school. Her appearance and output on life changed, but her dear friend Viktor never did.

Her passion led her to become a famous musician that would travel the world and spread her glorious melody. Though her life of fame and glory was wondrous, she missed her home town. She missed her dear friend Viktor. She still didn't understand how he never changed, but she never questioned him about it.

After a year of working in the music industry, she returned to her home.

"Viktor," she yelled in excitement to see him again.

"It's been too long dear friend," she said before pulling him into a hug.

"It has," he responded while hugging her back.

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