Get Away (2p China)

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Get Away - (HED) P.E.

Why should I stick around
When no one understands me
Why should I stick around
When no one really cares
Why should I stick around
I hate the walls around me
Why should I stick around
It's just like I'm not there

You could still hear them; all of the other students gossip about you. Sure, they were whispering, but you could still hear them. A sigh escaped your lips as you walked down the halls of hell, or school. Ever since you transferred to this school, gossip spread like a wildfire about you, and it wasn't the good type.

"What a freak"
"Why would they let someone like 'that' into this school?"
"She should just kill herself"

At the last comment you stopped your walk to class, looked back at the whispering students, and gave them a hard glare to shut them up. They scurried away under your glare to probably spread more rumors. "What idiots. They have nothing better to do than spread stupid rumors. Must they get on my nerves every day?!," you thought in your head.

You thought moving to this new town would end the bullying you received about every day, but it didn't. Once word got out about your family, everyone flees from you, and starts trying their best to make you feel awful. You can't choose your family! It's not your fault that your family happens to be big shots in the Mafia. You would think that information would shut them up but knowledge that you don't live with them or really get involved with them made them bully you. Guess it makes them feel superior to lip a "Mafia girl." Damn, you hate that nickname. You're not part of the fucking Mafia!

The only connection you have to the Mafia is when your family rarely sends you a letter or gives you support money. But, there is also him. Wang Zao, your fiancé. When the both of you were younger, your parents would work together and let the both of you play together while they took care of business. The both of you got along so well that they arranged a marriage for you two. That, and so there can be a tie between the two families. Even though you have left your family, you didn't really cancel the marriage. Wang and you both still get in touch, but with him running the family business, it can be kinda hard.

You hate this life you live, and school only makes it worse. But, you stay here, waiting for Wang to come, and take you away from this hell.

I wish that I could fly
Why do I even try
When everything I've ever known
Is kissing me goodbye
I wish that I could fly
I'd take you there with me
Across the sky

(At the Chinese Mafia house)
"Boss, I have a report on (Y/N),"a mobster tells his boss.
"Go ahead. And read the report to me, aru," Wang replied as he look up from his paperwork.
"Well from what I have been informed, she has an awful life from the family. Instead of the respect that she deserves, people treat her like trash."
"Trash, aru? That's no way they should treat my fiancée."
"What are your orders, boss?"
"We strike at her school. Bring ten armed men with me, aru."
"With you, sir? Are you going, too?"
"Of course, aru. I'm getting my girl back. Get the car, aru."
"Yes, sir." The mobster bowed to his boss and left the room to set the orders in place.

~Time skip to Wang at school~

The black limo stopped in front of the school. Out stepped the Chinese Mafia boss himself, Wang Zao, followed by his men as they entered the school.
"This is her classroom, boss. Your orders?"
"Follow me inside, I'll get (Y/N), while you make sure no one interferes, aru."
"Yes, sir," the mobster replied as he opened the classroom door, and rushed in with his comrades.

Beneath the veil
We all want to be free
Why should I stick around
I know I don't belong here
Why should I stick around
It'll never be the same
Why should I stick around
Nothing ever grows here
Why should I stick around
I'm tired of this game

(Your P.O.V)

Bang! The classroom door flew into the wall as men entered the classroom with guns in their hands, disrupting the teachers lecture. Your eyes widened at the sight of the man that walked in last casually. Wang Zao? What is he doing here?

His eyes scanned the classroom until they landed on you. He held his stare at you until he faced the shaking teacher. Wang walked to the front of the classroom, where everyone held his or her gaze on him as he began to talk.

"I heard that all of you weren't treating a princess with the respect she disserves, aru. Is this true?," Wang asked the classroom.

No one answered but shacked in their seats, minus you. A princess? What are you doing Wang?

He glared at the class before raising his gun, still holding his glare.
"I asked all of you a question, now answer it, aru!"
The class shook even more violently as they glanced at you. Again no one answered. Instead, you stood up from your desk.
"I believe it to be true," you calmly replied to Wang's question.
A smirk grew on his face. "Well, the princess has spoken everyone, aru. Where I'm from, such a dishonor as this deserves the punishment of death, aru."

"You are right. Such a crime does deserve a punishment," you replied, a smirk grew on your face, at the terrified faces of everyone. You walked up to Wang and lowered his gun.
"But, let's not serve it to them now," you said, shocking everyone.
"As you wish, my love, aru," he responded, wrapping his arm around your waist, giving the class a glare before leaving the classroom with you and his men.
As the both of you walked to the limo, away from the hell you had experienced, Wang ordered one of his men to come over to him. "Burn it down, aru," he simply told the mobster, receiving a "yes, sir" before he walked over to the other mobsters. A smile graced the both of you as you heard a loud BOOM from the school, as the both of you entered the limo.
"Take us home, aru," Wang ordered his driver.

Just get away, get away, get away, get away
Get away, get away
Get away from me
Just get away, get away, get away, get away
Get away from me
Stay the fuck away from me
Why should I stick around
When someone might get hurt
Why should I stick around
When everything is shit
Why should I stick around
When no one understands me
Why should I stick around

You laid your head on Wang's shoulder while he held your waist on the drive to his mansion.
"Thank you, for getting me away from that hell hole"
You heard a chuckle from Wang when you told him this.
"Anything for my princess; a princess with such foul language, aru."
"You learn things by being in this family, you know," you replied, a smirk on your face.
"I know, aru," he said before kissing the top of your head. You raised your head, cupping Wang's face, and then leaned in to kiss him.
"Thank you, Wang. I love you."
"I love you, too, my princess."

I know there's something better for me...

Even though you were in love with a Mafia boss, you knew that this life would be better than the one you just escaped from.

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