Pretty Little Psycho (2p Ukraine-sequel)

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  Pretty Little Psycho-Porcelain Black

Oh, here we go
Walkin', talkin' like you know
I want your pretty little psycho

Sitting once again in a familiar seat you claimed as your own, you faced the circle of misfits. As the court ordered, you sat again with your therapy group for your anger management, and maybe to hang around a certain someone.

"Welcome back everybody," Ms. Morris cheered. "Today you will be working with a partner so we can all learn to trust one another!"

At the wave of Ms. Morris's hand, Katya quickly looped her arm with yours. "Sorry (L/N), but you'll be working with me," she purred out, leaning in close.

I'm ready to go, I'm taking chances
Sippin' less from champagne glasses
Gotta have you, I'm movin' closer
I won't take no for an answer

Before you could utter a word of response, Ms. Morris clapped her hands to announce the beginning of the session.

"Ok everyone, now that we all have partners, let's get to discussing. First, look your partner straight in the face an introduce yourself."

Katya stood in front of you, and stared straight into your eyes. "My name is Katya Braginskya, like you didn't already know. I'm here because my little sister is making me because I'm considered an alcoholic."

Once she finished her spill, she gave you a wink followed along with her signature smirk.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I'm here because the court thinks I'm a menace to society with my anger issues," you said, looking down embarrassed. It's a bit awkward being so close to such a beautiful woman, and having to confess what's wrong with you.

You're lookin' crazy, you're lookin' wrong
It looks like we're gonna get along
And once I've got you, it's a fact
Baby, there's no turning back

"A menace to society, hmm? That's quiet the sexy title if I do say so myself," she purred out, smirk still apparent.

The blush upon your face only darkened at her comment as you continued to look at the floor.

"Aww, did I embarrass you? I'm sorry, I thought you were use to being called sexy," she said faking a pout, stroking her finger along your arm.

The feeling of her touch struck something inside you, and a click seemed to go off in your mind as you looked up and gave a smirk of your own.

Make me, make me obsessed
Oh, here we go
Walkin', talkin' like you know
I want your pretty little psycho
Oh, here we go
Baby strike a pose
I want your pretty little psycho

As everyone else around you chatted with their partner about life and such, you gingerly wrapped your arm around her waist.

"Embarrassed? I think not. Just slightly turned on by the sight of you girl," you said, smirk still standing.

At your comment, Katya seemed to stand up taller, with her eyes widened. After a moment of shock, her face returned to its normal position as she leaned into your hold.

"My, what the flirt you are. Who knew you had it in ya? Well, I knew from the moment I met you that there was something about you," she continued to flirt, leaning in slightly.

Black lipstick just like a cat
Have you purrin' on your back
Tip the glass, now light it up
Rebel, rebel can't get enough

Lips crashed against one another in the hallway of the therapy center. Once class was dismissed, Katya pulled you out of the room and into a kiss.

Pulling away, slightly out of breath, Katyla leaned in and whispered in your ear, "I like the rebel inside you, and I just can't seem to get enough~"

Upon her comment, the make out session continued.

You're lookin' crazy, you're lookin' wrong
We look like we belong
And once I've got you, it's a fact
Baby, there's no turning back

Holding her nose with a tissue to hold back the blood pouring from it, Ms. Morris watched from over the corner. She tried to hold back her squeals, but nothing could stop her from chanting "OTP, OTP, OTP!"

Authors Note: Here we have a sequel to 2p Ukraine's previous one shot. This was actually my first request made by someone on DeviantArt!

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