Hypnotic (2p Canada)

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Hypnotic-Zella Day

I wanna be on the front line
Knotted up suit ties
Talkin' like a headstrong mama

Gotta picture in your wallet
Makin' me a habit
Wearin' your vintage t-shirt
Tie ribbons on ya top hat
Tellin' me I'm all that
Just like the girls from ya home town
Sweet blooded and I'm stranded
See if I can stand it
Drinkin' in the shallow water

"And where do you think you're going," you asked your boyfriend Matt, with your arms crossed over your chest. Your eyes narrowed at the sight of his hockey stick as he looked towards you from the opened door.

"Just going hunting, babe. I'll be back in a bit, no need to worry," he said with a casual poker face before leaving into the wilderness that surrounded the log cabin.
Sighing as he left, you rubbed the sleep from your eyes using Matt's red flannel. It was quiet big on you, but comfy to sleep in. It was still early in the morning in Canada, so you grumpily made your way to the kitchen. Looking down at the photo in his hand, Matt smiled at your wide smile beside his poker face. The two of you were a strange couple, but someone how, you guys made it work. Placing the photo back in his pocket, he continued to make his way to town. He may have lied about hunting, but he would be sure to make it up to (Y/N).

Magnetic everything about you

You really got me now

Sitting at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee, you once again sighed.
"I knew he would forget," you mumbled to yourself. Today was the anniversary of 5 years together, and he just leaves you in middle of the Canadian woods.

Looking at the framed picture on the wall of Matt and you outside making a snowman with Kuma in the background made you chuckle at the memory.
It took place the first year that you moved in with him and his large polar bear. It was snowing quite a bit, and you insisted on playing in the snow. Following along with your childish plan, he agreed to build a snowman with you as Kuma chased falling snowflakes. It was a fun experience, but the smile that made its way on your face quickly vanished.

"No, I'm going to be grumpy today. He left me here on our anniversary," you reminded yourself while shaking your head.

You do it to me so well
Hypnotic takin' over me
Make me feel like someone else
You got me talkin' in my sleep
I don't wanna come back down
I don't wanna touch the ground
Pacific ocean dug so deep
Hypnotic takin' over me

Making his way to the urbanized city of Toronto from the woods, Matt entered the brightly colored shop nearby.

"Oliver, I've come for my order," he said upon entering his brother's shop.
"Of course Mattie dear! She's going to love it," he said excitedly before placing a large basket of beautiful flowers along with a heart shaped box on the counter.

"Thanks man," he said with a small smile before handing Oliver his pay.

"She really has changed you, you know that," Oliver said noticing the smile placed upon his stoic brother's face.

"Yeah, she has," he said casually before grabbing the gifts, and leaving the shop.

White threads on my laces
Stuck on the hinges
Swingin' the door to the to the back yard
Got splinters walkin' tight ropes
Spun like a bandage
Touch on the outer surface
Bright eyes of the solstice
Wherever your mind is headed for a freight train city
Locked up till your moon lit
Brushin' my hair back
Feelin' ya lips on my cold neck

Placing the empty mug in the sink, you made your way to the bedroom you shared with Matt. Opening the closet, you grabbed the box hidden in the dark corner. Placing the pink box on your bed, you debated on opening it.

"Should I? I was planning on surprising him for our anniversary, but now I'm just pissed," you debated within your head. Looking from the box to the landline phone on the bedside table, you noticed it flash red, indicating a new message. Picking up the phone, you played the message to hear Oliver's excited voice.

"Hello Mattie! This is your brother Oliver! I just wanted you to know that her gift is ready. I would send Allen to drop it off at your house, but he's being a grumpy pants right now, so I'm afraid you will have to get it. See you then," the phone replayed.

"A gift for her," you breathed out before you finally grasped the situation.
"A gift for me. He did remember," you happily whispered to the air with a love struck smile.
Walking to the box, you opened it with the smile still apparent. Pulling out the white lacey undergarments, you skipped to the bathroom to get ready for your loving boyfriend.

Magnetic everything about you
You really got me now

You do it to me so well
Hypnotic takin' over me
Make me feel like someone else
You got me talkin' in my sleep
I don't wanna come back down
I don't wanna touch the ground
Pacific ocean dug so deep
Hypnotic takin' over me

"(Y/N), I'm home," Matt called out upon entering the log cabin. Hearing no reply, he gripped tightly on the present before making his way to the bedroom.
Opening the door, a pleasing surprise greeted him.

"Bonjour amour. Ca gaze," you asked, spread across the bed in your new white lingerie. A wide smirk played on your lips as you noticed Matt's flustered state. His mouth dropped down as a blush coated his cheeks.

"Monsieur Matt," you questioned with an all knowing facial expression.

"Oui," he responded before dropping the basket of flowers to the side, and making his way to the bed.

Author's Note: I'll leave the rest of this to your imagination ;)
2p Canada along with the song Hypnotic was requested by
Hope you liked it!

French to English: (No I did not use Google Translate. I used my handy dandy French notebook, along with my basic knowledge of French I received from years of classes!)

Bonjour amour = Hello love
Ca gaze = Doing well?
Monsieur= Sir
Oui = Yes

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