Take Her From You (2p Belarus)

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Take her from you - Dev

You say you know her
Well I know her too
You say you kno-ow-ow-ow-ow her
But you don't know her like I do
You say you love her
Once upon a time I loved her too
You say you lo-o-o-o-ove her
But you don't love her like I do
You've got to give me that girl
Or I, will take her from you

You glared at the Russian man. At the moment he, once again, is trying to pursue my love, Anastasia, his sister. I jumped out of the tree that I was previously in, admiring Anastasia from afar (or stalking). I walked up to the siblings, still glaring at the Russian, Viktor, but keeping a smile on my face. I didn't want to upset Anastasia, so I try to appear loving in front of her. She does love her brother, even though he is a creepy stalker who wants her! (Like you don't appear that way)
'I'll take care of Viktor once Anastasia has left the scene' you thought.
You made it appear that you were previously on a walk throughout the park, and not in a tree.

"Oh, hey Anastasia, Viktor! Great seeing the both of you here today!," you said with a big, cheerful, smile.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing here!," she asked after going in for a hug.

"I was just on a walk throughout the park. You don't mind if I hang out with you two, do you?," you asked her, giving her the puppy-dog eyes.

"I don't mind, I love hanging out with you, (Y/N)! You are my best friend after all!"

Ouch. You internally flinched when she called you her best friend. Why can't she realize you want to be more than friends?!

"Brother? You don't mind if (Y/N) walks with us, do you?," she asked nervously.

Viktor glared down at you. He knew that you loved his sister. The two of you have been in many fights over her, but Anastasia was oblivious to the matter. All she knew was that the two of you were very protective of her, and loved her like a sibling. Viktor and you both agreed to behave in front of Anastasia, but once she left the room, the two of you were at each other's throats.

Viktor nodded his head, approving Anastasia's request.

Woo Woo, Love me like you say you do
Woo Woo, Love me like you say you do
Woo Woo, Love me like you say you do

"Come on (Y/N)! Viktor! Let's go watch the performers!," Anastasia pulled Viktor and you to the street performs dancing in front of a crowd.
Though it warmed your heart and created a blush to spread across your cheeks at Anastasia's warm hand in your own, you were upset that she had also grabbed Viktor's hand. You glared at Viktor while Anastasia watched the street performers with amazement dancing in her eyes. Once he felt your glare, he returned one of his own upon you. The two of you continued to glare at each other, until Anastasia released her hands from the two of you so she could give the performers some money.

Once Anastasia returned to the two of you, you felt the urge to eat. Apparently, so did Anastasia, so you decided to take them to go get some lunch.

You you're over
I say over who
It's gonna be over my dead body
The day she finds someone new
You've got to give me that girl
Or I will take her from you

"Get whatever you like, lunch is on me!," you offered Anastasia, giving her a loving smile.

"Really! Thanks (Y/N), you're the best!," she cheered happily. As she looked through the menu for something to order, you continued to smile at her. This would be the perfect place to go on a date with her! It was such a cute café, almost as cute as she is. You were snapped out of your thought when Anastasia raised her head from the menu.

"Excuse me, but I have to go to the restroom. If the waiter returns, can you order me this?," she asked, pointing to a meal on the menu.

"Of course!," you happily replied. After you said that, she gave you a wink, looked over at her brother then back at you. She then left with a knowing smirk upon her beautiful face. What is she up to? She does that smirk when she's planning something.

Woo Woo, Love me like you say you do
Woo Woo, Love me like you say you do
Woo Woo, Love me like you say you do
Woo Woo, Love me like you say you do

You turned to Viktor once Anastasia was out of site. The two of you continued your glaring contest.
"Why were you pursuing my love at the park?," you gritted out, pointing the knife from the table at Viktor.

"Your love? Anastasia is mine," Viktor copied your movement, pointing his table knife at you.

"In your dreams, Viktor. Back off now, before it gets ugly."

"You can't stop me."

"Watch me." You walked out of the café, Viktor following your lead. The two of you walked to the alley besides the café, knives pointed at their opponent. You both charged at each other, knives ready to strike.

You know that I want you
And if I can't have you
Then no one can
But I need you
And when I find you...

"STOP! (Y/N)! Brother!," Anastasia shouted at the sight of the two of you. The both of you dropped your knives. Anastasia looked like she was going to break out in tears.

"Anastasia...,"you tried to hug her but she sidestepped.

"No, explain first! I thought you two liked each other!"

Viktor and you looked at each other, confusion written on your faces. Like each other?

"Don't you two love each other?," Anastasia asked.

"No way in hell would I love a creep like Viktor!," you exclaimed, glaring at him.

"Same," Viktor nodded his head, returning the glare.

"Then please explain what's happening!," Anastasia exclaimed, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

You looked down at the ground, arms behind your back, a dark blush spreading across your face. Viktor turned his head away from Anastasia, a slight blush across his cheeks.

"Well...uh..you see...Viktor and I are in a competition ...haha," you try to lie. Anastasia didn't seem to believe you, since she knew how you lie. Before she could say anything, Viktor beat her to the cut, shocking all of us with his answer.
"We both love you...As more than friends, or siblings."

Silence overcame the group, blushes dusting over everyone's face.

You've got to give me that girl
Or I

"I'm sorry brother, but I don't love you more than as a sibling.." Anastasia quietly said, breaking the awkward silence.
Viktor released a sigh then walked out of the alley, mumbling Russian curse words.
Once Viktor left, silence once again overcame the both of you.

"Is it true, do you love me as more than a friend, (Y/N)?," Anastasia asked.

You tried to hold back the mad red blush on your face as you looked into her eyes.

"Y-yes, Anastasia, I love you with all my heart. I'm sorry you had to find out like this. I just hope we can still be friends," you told your friend before trying to exit the alley. Before you could leave, a surprisingly hard grip grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a warm hug.

"I'm so happy, (Y/N)! I thought you loved my brother, I'm so glad you don't!"

"W-what?!," you questioned the surprisingly happy girl.

"I love you, too! I'm sorry I never told you, or noticed your affection!," Anastasia released all at once.

As the both of you released a few tears and loving words, you pulled away from the hug. You placed your hand on her cheek and slowly leaned in, she copying your movement. The both of your lips touched. It was a quick kiss, but warm, sweet, and passionate.

Woo Woo, Love me like you say you do
Woo Woo, Love me like you say you do

"I love you Anastasia," you told your new girlfriend as you pulled away from the kiss, flashing her the most loving smile you could manage.
"I love you, too, (Y/N)," She responded. They both of you walked out the alley, hand in hand.

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