Chapter 50

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Kayleighs POV

I had to pretty much beg for Justin to take me home after what had happen on the field. When we got back to the hotel, I went quickly back into the bathroom. Again, I puked. I wiped my mouth with toilet paper and flushed it down. I brushed my teeth once again, and washed my hands. Déjà vu. I walked out of the bathroom with my hand on my head. Justin must have been waiting for me since I darted in there when we got home. “Kayleigh… is something wrong?” I just shook my head. I mean, I don’t know if I’m pregnant. Should I just run it by him, saying it’s a possibility? I have no one else to call. If I call my mom, I’m screwed. If I call Rachel, I am even more screwed. That’s when one person popped into my head. Jake. No, I can’t he’s my brother he won’t understand. I began to forget Justin was sitting in front of me. I popped back into the present day world, gulping. “I’ll be right back, I have to call someone.” I cleared my throat and left Justin on the foot of the bed. I took m y phone into the hallway, dialing his number and I disappeared around a weird corner. “J-Jake.” “Hey Kayleigh! How is everything?” “I don’t know.” I gulped. “What do you mean?” “Jake… I think I might be pregnant.” There was a minute of pure silence. “You what…” “This morning I woke up with morning sickness. Then Justin and I went to go play soccer and I got sick again.” “How can you be pregnant, you have to be having sex for that.” “Jake, we did.” Again, the eerie silence came a cross the line. “Well,” I knew he was trying so hard to stay sane, “Did you take a pregnancy test?” “No.” “Then maybe you should.” “Everyone knows who I am Jake, they see my buying a test, they will get suspicious.” “Did you tell Justin?” “No…” “Kayleigh…” “I know but I’m scared Jake, we have only been together 3 months.” When I said 3 months, it got to me. It’s already been three months with Justin. It seems like it’s only been a couple days. “Kay, you need to tell Justin then get a pregnancy test ASAP.” “Well, it might be a couple days…” “Then tell him now, go.” “Alright, thank you Jake.” “Anytime sis, be careful I love you.” “I love you too.” I felt a warm tear run down my cheek. I wiped it away, heading back to the room. When I walked into the bedroom, Justin was still there. “Hey…” I sat next to him. “I need to tell you something.” I blurted out. He looked up at me, “Yeah?” “Well, um. I think I might… be pregnant.” His eyes shot open. His jaw clenched. “You are kidding right. Because it isn’t funny.” I shook my head, bowing it low. “No, Kayleigh.” I made eye contact with him. He stood up and ran his fingers through his hair. “It can’t be true. Did you take a test?” I shook my head. All stores were closed Saturday and Sunday, I had to wait until the day we leave Ohio to get one. “Well dammit get one!” He raised his voice. I flinched in fear. “I-I can’t…” “Well why not!” “All the stores are closed… until Monday.” He let out a sigh. “I got to go.” And with that, he left me to sit on the bed alone. I stood up as I heard the front door slam. I fell to my knees, letting myself cry. I got all my energy up to make my way to the bed and for the remainder of the night I laid there alone, Justin never came back, nor did he even call.


The next morning I woke up, still no sign of Justin. The reached for my phone that was on the nightstand next to me. I fumbled it at first but retrieved it again. I slide the unlock open and dialed Justin’s number that I know knew by heart. It rang, and rang, and rang but there was no pick up. ‘Hey! It’s Justin. Leave a message at the tone. Swag.’ I waited for the beep and recorded my message. “Hey Justin, you never came back last night… um call me back. Love you.” I ended the call and threw my phone down on the bed. I tossed the covers off of my legs, standing up. I trudged into the open part of the hotel, hoping Justin would be in there. There was no sign of him. I sighed and grabbed a drink out of the fridge. I didn’t feel so sick today, I guess being pregnant works in funny ways. I went back into the bedroom. Throwing on a long sundress. I took a pair of flip-flops, sliding them on my feet. I didn’t bother putting on my make up instead I just threw on some shades. I put my hair up in a clean bun, taking my phone and wristlet from off the bed and the key from the nightstand, making my way out the door. I strolled down the hall looking for Scooter’s room, I carefully eyed the numbers. When I got there, I hesitated before I knocked. I heard loud voices coming from inside.  “I don’t know bro! She just said she is pregnant. I don’t know what I am going to do. That’s why I stayed here. I can’t have a kid this young…” I felt my stomach turn. I lowered my hand, deciding not to knock. I shook my head, walking to the elevator. “That’s it…” I mumbled to myself. I walked angrily out of the lobby. I made the choice to just walk around to find somewhere that sells pregnancy tests. I slipped my phone into my bra and walked free handed down the street with only my wristlet on my wrist. I huffed as I wandered the streets of Ohio. I had no clue where I was even going. It was a little town, with old looking shops. I finally came a crossed a store called “Rainbow’s” it looked like a knock off CVS. I wandered in, making sure not to take off my shades. I looked at the signs hanging above each aisle. “Health…” I sighed and walked deep into the aisle. And right to the left was pregnancy tests. I closed my eyes, biting down on my lip. I picked it up and took it to the counter. “That will be 29 dollars please.” “What… 29 dollars….” “Yes ma’am.” I rolled my eyes and gave her a 20 and a 10. “Keep the change.” I grabbed the test, not wanting my receipt. I wandered back to the hotel. When I reached the room, I slide the key and went straight for the bathroom. I looked at the box, reading the directions carefully. “I have to pee on this? How the hell am I suppose to control that.” I mumbled to myself. I let out a sigh and did exactly that. I placed it in a disposable cup on the counter. Now, all I have to do was wait. I played with my thumbs, breathing heavily. After waiting for 3 minutes, it was time to know the truth. This test was about to ether make or break my life. I breathed in a shut my eyes, pulling out the test. I opened one eyes slowly, glancing at the sign. I stood up, now with both eyes opened staring in disbelief at the pregnancy test. I felt a warm tear stream down my cheek. This was it.

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