Chapter 32

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Justin POV


Her body was perfect to me. She wasn’t like most girls; she had picture perfect curves. She walked over toward me slowly. I placed my hands on her sides; she climbed on top of me. I felt her breath on the bare skin of my neck as she laid me back. I felt shivers run down my spine as her warm breath hit me. I ran my hands down her bare back. Cradling her so I could flip her over. I laid her down flat. She grinned at me biting her bottom lip. I never realized how perfect this girl is to me. I slowly lowered my lips, grazing them on hers. I felt her hands go straight to my belt. I bit on her lip a little bit before I kissed her. Her hands ran down my legs, taking my pants and boxers with them. I got up on my knees, pulling my shirt off.  She reached behind her back, starting to take off her bra. I stopped her, I leaned in. “What do you think you’re doing. That’s my job.” I slithered my hand toward her bra. I found the hook and did my fancy one hand trick. I slid it off her shoulder and tossed it on the floor. Our chests were both moving up and down rapidly. I made my way down toward her lower body. I slid down her silk barrier. I heard a faint moan; I looked up at her and grinned. As I came up to meet my lips with hers, her cell phone rang. I stopped, but before I could get off, she pulled me closer. “I want you. Don’t leave.” She crashed her lips onto mine, our nude bodies rolled over. Just when I thought the ringing had stopped, it continued. She threw her head back and let out a sight. “Hello... no… Mom stop…  I’m fine… I’m with Justin I don’t plan on coming home… I don’t care, ground me… I’m going now mom I’m 18 I can do what I want.” She hung up the phone; I knew she was stressed out. She got up with out a word and collected her clothing. I rose out of the bed, “babe?” she turned her head around. “Is everything okay?” all she did was nod. I watched her, as she slowly got dressed. I can tell you something; I was bummed out. “I think I’m going to just take a walk or something, maybe get myself some coffee, some alone time.” “Do you want me to some with you?” I buckled my belt. “Nah, I’ll be back soon, I promise.” She was out of the room before I could react. It hurt to see her so upset about this whole situation with her parents.

Kayleigh’s POV


I made my way out of the hotel, a few blocks up was a Starbucks. I just don’t get why my parents don’t treat me like I’m 18. If I want to be with Justin, then I will. I reached the Starbucks; I ordered the usual and got a table. “Hey.” I heard a familiar voice come from behind me. I slowly turned around. The one person I didn’t want to see was standing there. Dylan. He pulled out the seat in front of me and invited himself to sit down. “Hey.” I looked down at the table, playing with the napkin in front of me. “How have you been?” “Fine. You?” “Ehh can’t complain.” I really hated him; I saw him and I cringed. All I did was nod my head in agreement. “So, how are you and Justin?” “Fine.” I still continued to play with the napkin. “I’m sorry.” I looked up at him, “for?” “Everything I did. I really didn’t mean what I said to you after the break up.” All those memories came back to me. I began to flashback.

“You are such a stupid bitch! I swear! I have never met such an ignorant cunt like you!” Dylan spat. I sat there, frozen. Did I just really hear all of that? “You’re the fucker who never believes a God damn word I fucking say! I fucking hug my cousin and you flip shit!” I screamed back in his face. He smacked the table with his hands. “You know what, you are a little bitch. Did anyone ever tell you that? And you know what, you’re right I never trusted you!” I felt warm tears run down my face. “I never did a damn thing to you! You are the one who put me through a living hell! You think you can do no fucking wrong. You need help! Mental help! Because since day one all you did was abuse me mentally!” He stood up and so did I. We were both in each others faces. He rose his hands, I felt the impact as they hit my shoulders. I flew back slightly, letting the salty solution stream faster down my face. I regained balance. “Get the fuck out of my house.” I pointed toward the door. He didn’t budge. “I said get out!” Still not moving he whimpered, “I’m sorry.” “You’re not sorry not leave!” I pushed him out the front door. I then snapped back to reality.

“Okay.” All I could say was okay, I was still pissed who wouldn’t be. “Do you want to hangout sometime maybe?” I sat for a few moments; I was contemplating on what to say. “I guess.” Fuck. What did I just agree too? “Sweet, I’ll text you?” I nodded my head and we both got up, walking out of Starbucks. He gave me a hug and we walked in separate directions. Why did I even agree to hanging out with the douche bag? I couldn’t even answer that. I put my hands in my pockets and walked back to Justin’s hotel. 


Hey guys, I'm sorry this isn't very long and it's kinda boring but, I promise things withh pick up! 

Believe (A Justin Bieber Story) *COMPLETED*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora