Chapter 24

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Justins POV

I slammed on my gas, pulling away from Kayleigh’s house. I drove back to my hotel and parked the car running in and up to the 6th floor. Just as I went to slide my key I heard the door open behind me. It was Scooter. Shit.

“Where have you been Justin?” I gulped.

“I was out with a friend.”

“Was it that fan?”

“She isn’t just a fan Scooter.”

“So you were?”

I looked down and nodded.

Scooter patted my shoulder, “I just came to see if you were awake to tell you tonight you have a party to go to Miley Cyrus’ and no you cannot bring her.”

I gave him an angry stare. “Why? Its not like SHE did anything.”

His toned changed from friendly to father like. “Listen to me Justin, you have to show the press you aren’t together, and right now they think you are. You dating a fan you just met is unacceptable. I am not going to tolerate it. It is my job to keep your head on straight and remind you who you are.”

I rolled my eyes and opened the door. I slammed it shut and walked to my bed, running my fingers through my hair. I sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. “Why can’t I do what I want to, I am 19 years old.” I stood up in anger and walked to my dresser, pulling my shirt over my head. I climbed into bed and called Kayleigh on Skype. No answer. She must be sleeping. I laid my head back and fell asleep before I could realize.

-Next Morning.-

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ear. I put the pillow over my head to cover my ears. “One day, can’t I have one day without having to wake up early.” I rolled out of bed and trudged to my dresser changing into a new outfit. I walked to my suitcase full of shoes and chose my red vans. I slipped them on and threw on my snap back. I jogged out to the door and slammed it behind me. I had to meet Scooter at the studio by 8 o’clock. It was already 7:55; I knew I was going to be late. I pulled out fast, and sped to the studio, I pulled in at 8:02 and ran up the stairs to the room.

Scooter pointed toward the booth. “You don’t have time to spare, you have to spend all day here then go straight to Miley’s party. So lets get this done.”

I walked into the booth and put on my headphones, the beat was sick.


Kayleighs POV

I woke up late, again. I walked over to the mirror. My eyes were blood shot and completely red from crying last night. I still haven’t understood why I was even crying in the first place. I walked into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I rubbed my eyes and lay back down in my bed, staring at my phone. I hadn’t got the normal morning text from Justin. I shrugged my shoulders he was probably busy. I dialed in one number that I knew would pick up.

“Hey Rachel.”

“Hey Kay.”

“What are you doing today?”

“Um, I don’t think anything actually. Why? Aren’t you busy with Justin?”

I rolled my eyes. “No, that’s why I am asking you to do something, like go to the gym.”

“Sure, come get me when you’re ready.”

“Alright, sounds good.” We hung up and I got on my yoga pants, sports bra and tank top. I slipped on my white and blue Nike running shoes and threw my hair up in a ponytail. I went into the bathroom again to rush my teeth and put on a little mascara. I walked over to my dresser grabbing the keys and running down stairs to the kitchen. My mom and dad weren’t home so I left them a little note.

“Went to gym with Rach, be back later.”

 I signed it love Kay and ran to my car sending Rach a text telling her I’m on my way. When I pulled up she was already waiting for me. She got in and we drove to the usual gym. We went inside and walked for the treadmills.

“So, how are you and Justin?” she looked over at me.

I cranked my speed up. “We aren’t together if that’s what your asking.”

“Well, you might as well be. You spend more time with him then you do your best friend anymore. Its like you don’t even care.”

I looked over at her squinting my eyes in slight anger. “What the hell are you talking about? I hung out with you yesterday.”

She rolled her eyes. “You just seem to attached to his fucking side that we aren’t like we were before the concert. He is just using you for now.”

“Whatever Rach, you are just jealous.” I turned up my speed.

“Jealous? Me? Of what exactly? You being with Justin Bieber for 3 days?”

“No, that I spend more time with Justin then I do you! That I met celebrities that you love.”

“Like who else did you meet?”

“Lil Twist. His crew. I know how obsessed you are with him. Oh and I smoked with him too!” I stared forward, not realizing what I just said.

“YOU WHAT. YOU SMOKED? Kayleigh! What the hell has gotten into you? First you have getting hickeys from Justin! Then next you are smoking and getting high?”

“You were excited that I kissed Justin! Now its automatically a problem?”

She stopped running and got off and so did I. “I was never fucking happy, I knew what was going to happen, I sounded happy because you looked happy! You changed! You are something completely different Kayleigh I don’t even know who you are anymore!” She stormed off and I followed after her. Rach and I never fought like this before.

“You know what Rach, while we are at it. Justin took my virginity too!” I yelled after her. “Maybe THAT’S why you’re jealous because someone actually wants to kiss me! Unlike you!” She stopped and turned around. She gave me a blank stare. I felt my face sting as her hand crossed my cheek.

“You were always a bitch Kayleigh. I hope you’re happy with your temporary love. I hope it was worth loosing your virginity and your best friend. Slut.” She walked off and I just stood there, watching her. I was still in shock that she had actually just slapped me. I never wanted any of this to go the way it just did. I felt another tear roll down my red, stinging cheek. I walked over to my car, placing my hands in my face. I sat down and sat there, clueless. 

Believe (A Justin Bieber Story) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now