Chapter 44

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I ran into the hospital, I left Scooter far behind me. I darted passed the waiting room, grabbing everyone’s attention. I hustled up and threw myself into the room. I came to see the doctor hovering over Kayleigh’s still body. My adrenalin rushed as I saw Fredo direct me over. I slowly made my way, swallowing down hard. I gave Fredo a look; he nodded his head toward the door. I followed him out the door. He leaned against the wall, he swallowed and took a deep breath, “We were just talking, I was keeping her company like you told me too. She was mid sentence, and then she gradually got quieter and quieter. I didn’t know what was going on. She finally went silent. I tried to shake her to wake her up. But, she didn’t budge, that’s when I called the nurse who brought in the doctor. Then I called you and this is where we stand. I haven’t heard anything.” I felt my stomach turn in a complete circle. It did a 180. I began to feel sick. I didn’t know what to say, Fredo just put his hand on my shoulder in comfort. We made out was back into the room. The doctor spotted us as Scooter walked in behind us. “Can I have a word with you?” He used his finger to motion us into the hallway once again. “Here’s the deal,” he took a deep breath, “She is going to be just fine. I don’t know why it happened but she ended up passing out.” I felt a weight be lifted off my shoulders. “Oh thank God.” I fell to my knees. I felt a tear run down my cheek. I put my hands together and prayed. Prayed harder then ever, thanking God for everything. I felt Fredo put his hand on my back, patting it lightly. I rose back to my feet, wiping the water from my rosed cheek. I ran my fingers through my messed up hair. We all walked back into the room, Kayleigh was still motionless besides her regulating breathing. “Guys, you go home, I’ll stay with her.” I looked up at them, bowing my head slightly. “You sure?” Fredo and Scooter said in sync. I just nodded. They rose one side of their mouths, heading out. I slid into the seat still remaining next to Kayleigh. I took her hand in mine, rubbing her knuckles gently. I didn’t take this time for granted. “Kayleigh—“ I whispered in a hush tone. “I love you, so damn much.” I placed the back of her hand to my forehead. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express it.” I played with her promise ring. “I know you can’t hear me right now but—“ I felt her squeeze my sweaty hands. “Kayleigh?” her eyes slowly opened. I saw her smile at me, lifting the silent ore. “Hey Justin.” Her eyelids flickered. The smile on her face grew, showing her white teeth. “How are you?” I smiled back; I hated seeing her in this hospital bed. I wanted to hold her tight, kiss her lips and watch movies all day with her. I want to just show her how much she means to me. “I’m doing alright. I hope I get to go home tomorrow. Well, out of this hell hole anyways.” She lightly giggled, looking into my eyes. “I love you…” I whispered, leaving her silent. “I love you too.” Just as our eyes stared deeper, we were suddenly interrupted. “Hey Miss McGinty.” The doctor looked down at his clipboard. “Hey Doc.” “How are you feeling?” “Eh, my head ache is slowly going away.” “Well, that’s a good sign. You know you passed out right?” “I did?” “Yes ma’am.” “oh, well it’s weird because I feel a lot better then I did a couple hours ago.”  “Again, that’s excellent. Maybe we can get you out of here sometime tomorrow afternoon.” She smiled once more. “That would be so awesome.” “Well, I will leave you until tomorrow, if you need anything just press that button right there.” “Alright, thanks.” The doctor exited the room, leaving Kayleigh and I alone once again. “Babe…” she whispered. “Come closer to me.” She smiled biting on her lip, turning her head slowly more in my direction. I shook my head and scooted the chair closer. I still held her hand, I looked down to her ankle, remembering the swell. “How’s that feeling?” I nodded my head toward her black and blue mark. “That hurts.” She giggled. “I’m so sorry.” “Babe, it isn’t your fault!” she scoffed. “I don’t know.” I shrugged. We both felt our eyes get heavy; I knew I was going to fall asleep. And that’s exactly what we did, holding hands in the hospital room.

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