Chapter 25

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I finally finished a long day in the studio. I was walking out to my phone vibrated. I reached into my pocket. It was a call from Kayleigh.

“Hey Kay.” I heard her crying into the phone. “Are you okay? Where are you?”

“Rachel and I just got into a huge fight, she slapped me.” She struggled through her sobs.

“Kayleigh, where are you?”

“The Iconic Gym parking lot.”

“I’m coming there now.” I then remembered, Miley’s party. I can be a little late. I stepped on the gas a sped down the highway, pulling into the parking lot in record time. I found Kayleigh’s car and parked as close as I could, running over to her. She hopped out and I hugged her.

“What is it all about?” I looked into her red eyes, it hurt so much to see her cry.

“Us. You and me. She got pissed off because I never hang out with her anymore.” As she explained what happen, I glanced over to a bush, I saw something in it moving. I looked closer; I saw a man and a camera. Paparazzi. “Kay, can we sit in my car. The pap are watching us, again.” I grabbed her hand and walked her to my car. We both sat down.

She continued. “ And after I told her that people actually wanted to kiss me, she slapped me and called me a slut. Justin, we never fought before.” She slammed her face on her steering wheel.

“Hey!” she looked over at me. I grabbed my face in my hands. “Don’t be hurting the prettiest thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I want to keep it in tact.” I kissed her forehead. She finally smiled.

“Can we talk later? I have to go somewhere.”

She cocked her head, “where are you going?” she gave my a pouty look.

“I have to go to a party.” I slightly smirked at her. She stared back, expressionless.

“Okay, yeah I guess we can but, I’ll probably be fine later. It’s now that I need someone to talk to but, hey go to your party. Its not like we are together or anything.” She got out and smirked at me. “Guess I’ll see you later.” She slammed the door shut. I pulled out of the spot quickly, looking back to see her standing in the middle of the parking lot. Watching me leave. I felt horrible to leave her there, in need of someone to talk to. The thought of her crying made my heart break. I didn’t stop to get changed, I just went straight to Miley’s. I pulled up to her mansion. I parked a crossed the street and walked in. As soon as I walked in, Miley greeted me.

“Hey Bieber!” she smiled and hugged me.

“Hey Miley!”

“I hope you have fun at my party!” she smiled and kissed my cheek.

Believe (A Justin Bieber Story) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now