Chapter 8

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I swallowed hard. “So, um how are you and Selena”? I pulled back a little and placed my head on his shoulder. I knew it would be so wrong if I had kissed him. But now, I regret it. I should have just placed my lips on his, made the first move.

“We are,” he gulped, “alright I guess. We have been fighting a lot lately, she says she doesn’t trust me. That’s kinda why I told you to go ahead of me earlier on the beach because she was calling me.”

“Why doesn’t she trust you?” I lifted my head up, cocking it to the right.

“I have no fucking clue. She always seems to say I do nothing for her. But I try so hard to please her.” He looked down. I knew he was unhappy.

“Are you not happy with her?” I held him tight.

“I am, but I just feel as if she wants to give up. I am getting ready to give up to. It’s just a toxic relationship. You know?” He held me back.

“Yeah, I understand completely. I have been in your shoes before. Just do what your heart tells you. Whatever you choose to do, it will be for the best. Remember I’ll always be around if you need to talk.” I looked up, smiling at him. He looked back, smiling as well..

“Thanks Kayleigh. That really does mean a lot.”

We continued to watch the movie.

“I am really cold, this wet bathing suit is freakin freezing! Can you drive me home real fast so I can grab some warm clothing.”

“Here,” he stood up and walked into his room. He came out with a shirt and sweat pants. “Wear these, and you can keep them.” I took them out of his hands. And went into the bathroom to change. The clothes smelt like him. Wait, what was I thinking. Okay, that was a creepy thought. I walked out of the bathroom and climbed next to him.

“They look good on you!” He laughed.  He moved closer to me. Before I knew it the movie was over. I didn’t wanna go home but it was getting a little late now. I got up and called my mom.

“Hey mom.”

“Hey sweetie. Where are you?”

“I’m still with Justin. What time is dinner?” My mom and I had dinner together every night.

“6, does Justin want to join us?”

I looked over in Justin’s direction. He was staring at me.

“You wanna come over for dinner? My mom invited you.”

“That would be awesome!” he smiled.

“Yeah mom, he said he’d love too.”

My mom and I said our ‘I love yous’ and hung up. I told Justin we better start heading over. I grabbed my wet bathing suit and we walked to the elevator. My phone buzzed. It was a text from Rachel.

From: Bestfweeend :*

Hey Kay! I thought we could do something tonight! I’ll head over in 20 minutes! Love you!

“Shit,” I mumbled under my breath. Luckily Justin didn’t hear me. We climbed into his car. What am I suppose to say. ‘Oh no you can’t I’m with Justin Bieber. ‘ I couldn’t do that because I know she would flip out. I’ll just put Justin in my closet and tell her I’m not feeling well. That should work. Right?

We pulled up in front and walked inside. I took Justin t my room.

“Rachel is coming over. I need you to hid in my closet so I can tell her I ‘don’t feel good’ So then she will leave.” Surprisingly he agreed to it. I heard the door bell ring. I gulped. Justin went into my closet. I ran down stairs and opened the front door.

“Uh, hey –fake cough- Rachel.”

“Hey Kay, can I come in?” she walked in, I didn’t even say yes! “So, what do you wanna do?” She run up the stairs and turned left, walking into my room. I ran after her.

“Um, I don’t really feel very well, so can we hangout tomorrow or something?”

She looked at me kinda funny. “What’s wrong?”

“My um, stomach hurts and my throat. –fake coughs-“ We then heard a bang from the closet. Rachel’s head shot around and looked at my closet.

“W-what was that?” she said, pointing at my closet.

“oh, um nothing. I think my guitar just fell over. So, can we just hangout tomorrow I really don’t feel very good. I’ll text you later. Okay?” she nodded in agreement, and I walked her down stairs. Once she left I ran up to my room to get Justin out of my closet. He came out holding one of my thongs in his hands. I felt so embarrassed.

“This is hot.” He said laughing.

I chased him around my room trying to grab it from him. He picked me up and threw me on my bed. I was laughing to hard to do anything. My muscles started to ach from laughing. I sat up finally catching my breath.

“You jerk!” we both smiled. He was sitting on my foot of my bed, I leaned forward and yanked it out of his hands. I tucked it under my pillow.

“Dinners ready kids!” my yelled. We ran downstairs to eat.


Hey! How is everyone? So, I really hope you all are liking this story I PROMISE it will pick up! So what kid of sports do you play? I am a freshman and I play freshman and JV soccer for my highschool. I like gymnatics to and volleyball but they both are at the same time as soccer! hahah. well have a good day(:

-- maggie

Believe (A Justin Bieber Story) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now