Chapter 1

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My name is Wendy Keeler. I'm a rogue. About a year ago, I was part of the Blue Moon pack. My boyfriend was the Alpha. I really loved him, but I also really loved the idea of being a Luna.

Anyway, he found his mate. He told me that I couldn't be Luna. He told me to leave him alone. But I didn't listen. Apparently, his mate was the Princess, making him the future King. He banished me and gave me a Royal Mark.

It looks like a tattoo. A broken chain with the word 'traitor' is etched on my skin. The branding is on my shoulder, so I can cover it; however, that's hard to do when the only shirt I have is practically shreds of cloth.

When I became rogue, I didn't bring any clothes. I didn't bring anything. I had no money. I had no way of protecting myself. I had absolutely nothing. Honestly, I stole the things I have now.

But things are getting better. I've been on my own for a few months. Before that, I was with a group of rogues, but that didn't turn out so well. Nevertheless, I'm still alive; so that's a plus! Well, I wouldn't say I'm alive.

I can't say that I'm living because I'm not. It's more like I'm breathing or surviving. I'm not living; but I'm not dead.

That didn't make much sense. Its hard to put thoughts into words when you don't have emotions.

Yup! I turned off my emotions! Now, I don't have to feel guilt, love, sadness, betrayal, or any other emotions. Actually, I feel anger a lot. And sometimes I feel fear when I'm in danger. Like right now, for example!


Sweat dripped down my face as I ran for my life. The sound of the men's footsteps were getting louder and louder. In my state, I know that I can't outrun them. I nearly collapsed in front of them. I haven't eaten in over a week. I know for a fact that I'm unhealthily skinny. Surprisingly, just half an hour ago, these men were gonna help me.

I accidentally crossed into their territory. When they saw me; they decided to give me food, clean clothes, and a place to stay for a night. But one of the men saw the Mark. They were gonna kill me on the spot. Fortunately, I got out the territory.

Now, I'm running. "There's no caves!" I groaned in frustration. Luckily, it started raining, so the men can't follow my scent. I just need to find somewhere to hide.

I heard their feet stomping in the mud. I quickly looked around for anything to hide me. 'The tree!' Liz, my wolf, shouted. Not wasting any time, I sprinted to the tree that had a crack. I squeezed myself through the crack and into the hollow tree trunk. Hopefully, the storm will wash away my footsteps.

As the men got closer, I covered my mouth so they couldn't hear my heavy panting. In the crack, I could see the five men come together and glance around for any trace of me. "Dammit!" one of them angrily shouted. With clenched fists, the men retreated back to their pack.

After uncovering my mouth, I took deep breaths to calm myself down. I slowly got out the tree and went the opposite way of their territory. I need to find somewhere to sleep tonight. Somewhere safe and deserted.

Unfortunately, I can't be near other rogues, near pack territories, or in common neutral areas. Everyone wants to kill me. A group of rogues even tried to kill me while I was sleeping. Which is why I usually go to less popular neutral lands. But I don't even know where the hell I am.

While walking, I thought about how I could've avoided all of this. There were so many chances for me to avoid this. I never had to be Luna. I never needed to be with Asher. He even told me that he had a mate and she was going to be Luna. But I just never gave up.

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