Life Detox

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Omg this story is slowly coming to an end.

Asia sat in the cold library doing what she does best. She was finally getting her life together and was on her Miss independent shit. She had finally decided that the only person who cared for her own well-being was herself. She had realised that she had to have her own back. She loved her friends but sometimes you have to run through the six by yourself. Aint no woes bih. Not everyone has the best interest for you and Asia was tired of having to second guess who had her back. Who has time to be worrying about snakes? Drake was right about no new friends. The only true friends Asia had were her day ones from primary school; Arielle and Melissa.

Asia casually brought out her bag of spicy plantain chips and began to munch loudly in content. She decided now was the perfect time for a study break. She brought out her phone and began preeing Snapchat. She clicked on a recent Snap by Koffi which was a picture of him and some guy (the face wasn't clear) at the gym. Asia was preeing their muscles when she got a call from Arielle.


"Heyy." Asia sang into the phone.

"So me and Melissa are going gym, you wanna come?"

"Naahh b."

"What about fit for summer?"


"Come man. We need to be peng peng when we go Amsterdam." She said reminding me of our plans "Don't you remember on New Year's when we promised to eat healthy and motivate each other. Gurrl you made January your trial month and said your new year started on Chinese New year."

Asia laughed loudly, gaining looks from people near the computers.

"Yeah I'm lazy." She replied smiling at the memory. She started the month of January eating healthy but by the end of the month she was back to her unhealthy ways.

"Exactly. So we are putting a stop to this now and just know that I am not taking no for answer. Meet us there at five." Arielle replied before hanging up.

Asia rolled her eyes knowing that she had no choice. She continued to study but as the clock hit three thirty she decided it was time to call it a day, go home and get ready to go gym.
The sun was setting as Kwame left Sainsbury's. He was listening to March Madness and turning up after a long day at work. He kissed his teeth in iritation as he could hear his music getting lower and lower as his ringtone got louder and louder. Without looking at the caller id he busied the call and continued the turn up. But apparently the person calling didn't want him to be great because they called again. Without looking at the caller id he answered the phone.

"What?" He answered irritated

The line was silent.

"Naahh speak up because you already interupted my music."

He heard sniffling on the phone "We need to meet up." The female's voice whispered.

He looked at his phone but the number was not saved. "Yooo who is this?"

"Please. We really need to speak. I'll text you the address." The person replied before hanging up. What the fuck just happened?
Asia got off the bus and made the quick walk to her gym. She flashed her membership card and walked through the entrance to where her friends were located. Asia thought an intense work out would help relieve her of the stress she had about her exams that were coming in a few days.

As she approached her friends she noticed two boys with them.

"Baby girl!" Melissa called as she saw her best friend come closer. She didn't get to see her too often because they attended different sixth forms so it was always a joy to see her.

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