Snakes and Ladders

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Listen to The Matrimony by Wale I swear I fell in love with that song when I heard it ♥.

They say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But what if the lines blur and you're so called friends become your enemies doing things consistently to bring you down. Stabbing a tiny whole in your back which gets bigger and bigger. What do you do when your friends are your enemies and your enemies your friends?

After Jennifer's break down at her house Asia decided it would be best to leave to give her some privacy. It was Jennifer's first time seeing Ethan after the miscarriage so Asia understood why she acted that way, in fact Asia knew that if she was in the same position she would have done worse, inflicting serious pain on Ethan. After all he deserved it, the youte was not okay.

It was now Tuesday and Asia walked into the underworld. At first Asia loved coming Sixth for but now it was hell, there was always drama and basics always had shit to say. Bmt it's not everyday have someone's name in your mouth, but at Xavier's that was always the case. People loved to start things, make up rumours, make illogical assumptions and then jump to conclusions about things that wasn't even their business to begin with. Asia always wondered how much calories these bitches burned jumping to conclusions.

It was April and in a month's time Asia would be outside the exam hall waiting for the invigilator to call out her candidate number. She wasn't planning to walk into the exam hall unprepared after all if you fail to prepare you prepare to fail. She wasn't in the mood to be dealing with bitches as her education had now taken first place and it was her utmost priority. She didn't care for Kwame nor Shantel at that point in time.

She walked straight to her spot in the library, the bean bags next to the huge french windows in the corner of the library, she was determined to study in her peaceful solitude but that came to a halt when she set her eyes on Jerome. She was tempted to turn around but the thought of two Es, a U and the one C in psychology was enough to make her firm it.

Asia sat down in the corner doing her best to stay far away from him. She plugged in her earphones listening to The Matrimony by Wale and began making essay plans for her Unit 2 paper for philosophy which was about abortions.

It had been twenty minutes and Asia had started her lengthy introduction for her abortions essay, she was doing it in timed conditions so that her timing would be precise in a month's time. Asia was in deep concentration mode when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she decided to ignore it and continue with her essay. But again she felt a tap and it was more persistent. She stopped the timer on her phone and turned around, aggravated that someone had interrupted her precious revision time. She looked up at Jerome with a deep screw set on her face.

"Can I help you?" She asked curtly fixing her eyes on the clock to see how much longer she had of her free period.

"Don't speak to me with attitude." Jerome said with a screw on his face.

Asia blinked. What attitude? Asia took a deep breath, she didn't have the energy nor the willpower to deal with Jerome who had a vendetta against her for no apparent reason. "Jerome what do you want?" She asked clearly exasperated

"Asia you have too much attitude you know. That's why a lot of people fuck you over."

Not today Lord, not today, Asia thought, trying to summon the little patience she had. Asia let out a frustrated sigh. Jerome smirked, he had clearly hit a nerve.

Asia was over everything. She was so over people coming to her with the same bullshit, bringing up stuff she didn't want to think about. All she wanted to move on with life but it was like people wanted to hinder her and bring her down. Asia had lost the patience and energy to deal with it and slowly but surely the anger she kept bottled up was starting to spill and the lid that she had screwed on tight could not keep her anger bottled.

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