Potato sack girl

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The dirty potato sack looking material that seemed to accompany some parts of the shadow world, enveloped me, breathing away Amber's words.

I was in a small empty space surrounded by roiling potato sack material. Taking a step forward, the material gave way, making a path. There was a hum all around me, indistinguishable sounds blending together from all directions.

Spinning around, my feet sunk down and the floor gave way to more potato sack. Trying to climb up, the potato sack aided me, forming solid steps under me feet, rising to meet me.

So, that was how it worked. I could go in any direction...

Aiming up wards, I began walking and the potato sack rose with each lift of my foot. It didn't feel like I had gone upwards at all.

Looking down at my watch, the hands spun around at a faster than usual pace, would speed up then slow down or go backwards.

Walking forward, I tried to go somewhere, anywhere, but nothing seemed to be happening.

"It's because you don't plan on going anywhere," a voice said. "You remain in the same place, forever, which seems a bit silly to me, but then again, what would I know?"

There was no one around me, in my small potato sack pocket, but the voice was definitely real and very close.

" So, I need to go somewhere?"

"Do you?" The voice seemed to be next to my right ear so I spun around but there was only potato sack.

"I want to go home," I said, spinning around, searching for the voice. "But if I'm staying in the same spot, how do I get there?"

"Asks the taxi driver with a GPS," the voice snickered. "The Education system really needs improvement if they can't teach common sense."

"I don't have a GPS," I tried walking forward but the potato sack material moved backwards, like an escalator. "And I'm trying to get home."

The voice, definitely make, and strangely familiar in an unfamiliar way, chortled. I was imagining the Cheshire cat, watching me. "Well, you don't need to worry for now, but I would start thinking," the voice was leaving. "You've got plenty of time, but it will soon get dark, and the dark is never a good time for young shadow walkers. Oh, and stay to the path, best not to wander. Toodles."

After what felt like a few minutes I came up with several ideas to leave.

Running at the material, I lunged forward, but the front expanded whole the back decreased, leaving me in the same spot.

Then I tried reaching for the material, but every time I did, it would slip out of my reach. At one point I bent down and grabbed the material under my feet but it was too slippery to tear apart.

I tried to keep walking but I wasn't going anywhere, just staying in the same spot.

Some time must have passed because where the potato sack around me used to be a light brown, it was now getting darker. Hands began pressing up against it from the other side and I could hear low moans around me.
Jumping to my feet, I began trying to run but it seemed to make it worse.

I could feel the souls trying to get closer and the fabric was definitely getting smaller, tighter, panicked, I glanced at my watch, habitually. to check how much time I had left.

To my utter despair, the clock face was covered in shadows and I couldn't see a thing.

Around me the potato sack went from a dark brown to a dark grey, the faces of the souls getting more prominent as they tried to get through to me.

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