Blending in

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Sorry for not uploading sooner. My mum banned me from the computer because I didnt clean my room and I also have to work since its the holidays. 

Amber was rubbing something on my bites. The stuff was a thick grey substance that was quite numbing. That was until it went into your blood stream. Then they hurt like a mother.

Sadly, they were not itchy mosquito bites, either. No, I had the extraordinary luck of having not one but several vampire bites.

"Can you not," I said to Amber, through clenched teeth. "Dig your fingers into my bites like that?"

She had been pushing the stuff into my bites, making sure it went into every crevice. Unlike what you may be imagining, which is probably several sets of two little puncture marks, the vampire bites were actually just my skin and flesh torn open for the world to infect. Since it was so fleshy, it hurt even worse than you would imagine.

"I have to make sure the wounds are purified," she said. 

And so that, was how I spent who knows how many hours. Lying on my back and trying not to pay attention to Amber working on me. I was most reluctant about her getting to my neck. That one would probably be the most painful. As she made her way up my body (that sounds so dirty), I began to hyperventilate a little. Just a little.

Okay. Fine. I was hyperventilating a lot. But who likes pain? A masochist, yes. I am not a masochist, though, and if anything, I hate pain. When she finally got to my neck, I was ready to cry. Just the thought of her touching my neck was enough to make me cry. When she did touch my neck, the part without the wound, I started shaking.

"No, no. Not the neck. I dont want to do the neck," I said.

"I have to. If I leave it unattended, bad things will happen to your body," she said. "You might even lose control of it."

"I dont care. I dont care. I can lose control of my body," I said, my mind whirling from fear of the pain. "It doesnt matter."

Amber sighed. "It'll make it so much easier for the Hunters to find you. So much easier," she said, in a persuasive voice. "They'll be able to commence much more torture on you, since you will be disabled."

I looked at her, doubtfully.

"And there'll be a scar. A great big ugly gash of twisted, gnarled, shiny sking on your neck. Every time you see your reflection, you'll see that ugly scar," she said, her voice going lower. "And you'll wince at it."

I could just imagine it. A large scar covering half my neck. Subtly painful and always there. Everytime I would see myself...the scar would always be there.

My face must have contorted into one of regret because she smiled. "There, there. It wont be so bad after wards."

I gave her a look. I sincerely doubted it would. She pushed me down gently and lathered some gunk into her hand. "Try and stay still."

She applied it to my neck. The pain. Oh, it was unbearable. I started thrashing around, screaming at her to stop. She took a few steps back with wide eyes. 

"Eveny, if you want to heal, you'll have to deal with the pain."

I stared at her, the pain was burning through my neck. She stared me down. "Just do whatever you have to do to try and ignore the pain," she said to me.

I nodded, laid down and took a deep breath. She slowly put her hand near my neck. I shut my eyes. When the burning feeling came again, like fire on my skin, I did the only thing i could have at the time.

I started singing the stupidest songs I knew, the rude ones that Dante had sung to me when i was a kid to make sure they got stuck in my head, as loud as I could.

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