A friend- *cough* stalker!

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"You there!" Robert shouted at me from his office. "Come in here now."

Biting back a sigh, I went. Having just arrived to do some work, since I hadn't been to the headquarters in ages, it hadn't taken long for Robert to latch onto me like a leech and start giving me commands.

So far I had gone up and down the town three times in the past hour and had visited five firms to deliver stuff and I was already sick and bored of it.

On Batty's desk, I had left the squirrel, named Besdee, as it had told me it's name was.

"Tell Cole to get on with her work, she's been lagging behind," Robert commanded. " She needs to focus more on work."

"She does," I said. "All her free time is spent worki-"

"Get a move on with it, why are you still in my office?" Robert snapped, chucking a file at me. "Give that to Cole, and I have a new assignment for you."

He began talking and I was focused on Robert so it took me a minute to realise that his globe of earth was spinning carelessly by itself.

Staring at it, my eyes went to his computer mouse which began moving towards the end of the table.

Robert was saying something to me but I could only concentrate as the mouse jumped up to the file cabinet, twisted itself into a noose and began to lower the noose down to his neck.

" Oh, my gosh!" I exclaimed, running to the window. "Look at that, mister! The man, he didn't put his hat on in the sun, how terrible!"

Robert leaned over to the window and I grabbed the mouse, untangling it. When he turned back around, he looked at me disapprovingly.

"Don't interrupt me next time, as I was saying, I need you to represent me in a board meeting, since all my other useless employees aren't here, I was depending on Cole but.."

Above his desk, the books on his shelf were slowly starting to move out of their place, hanging dangerously over Robert's head.

Robert was blabbering away about being a representative but all I could do was watch as the books came further and further out of their shelf, looking like they were about to drop onto his head.

"Sir," I interrupted again, "You should write this down so I don't forget, I would hate to embarrass you."

Robert bent down over his desk, grumbling about how he wished that his full-time employees were as dedicated as I was and I took the opportunity to jump up and push the books back into the shelves.

When Robert turned to give me the paper, I was leaned against his cabinet filled with scissors and sharp things, that had opened itself a few seconds earlier, and scissors had come flying out.

I had grabbed them and shoved them back in, keeping my back on the door.

"Are you alright, Cole Jr?" Robert asked, handing me the note. "You seem jumpy."

"It's Valerie," I corrected. "And I am just so excited to finally get some experience." Subtly looking around, I tried to see what other things would magically go flying by themselves.

"Well, you're acting strangely and I don't like it," he grumbled. "I expect better behaviour or I might have to look into your background."

Uh oh, if he did that, he might discover that I technically don't exist and that I had already died.

"Yes sir, I'll make sure I am focused on the task at hand," it didn't look like anything else was happening in the room, of which I suspected Mercury causing trouble for me. "I won't get distracted at all-!"

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