|23| New Family

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As the weeks went by, Shayy was more and more happy for her eldest two. She just prayed her youngest three didn't grow up too fast. She couldn't stand the thought of more grandchildren yet. She was way too young. She needed more time for even Naris and Natasha. But, life had a way of controlling itself.

4 months later

Natasha couldn't tear her eyes away from the beautiful baby girl she'd just given birth to. Nala Tajay Reynolds came in at 5 pounds and 8 ounces. When she opened her eyes, it was evident Nigel was her grandfather. The bright grey eyes looked up into Natasha's face.

"Hello beautiful girl." Natasha kissed her little hand. "This is what it's like to love something so strongly, you'd die to give it the world." She looked up at her parents. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"It's a parents job."

"Thank you for loving me and helping me create the most perfect human being." She smiled up at Tjay.

"I love you."

"I love you more." She looked back at Nala. "And mommy loves you the most."

1 week later

"Maaaaa, what do I do?" Natasha asked as she listened to Nala scream at the top of her lungs. She wasn't happy with anything. Natasha tried a bottle, her binky, her diaper was clean, she was clean and she wasn't sick. Shayy came upstairs to Natasha's room and looked at her granddaughter. She knew all the possibilities. Babies weren't hard to figure out.

"Rub her stomach."

"Huh?" Natasha looked at her mother like she was crazy.

"Rub her stomach, Tashi." Shayy said. "Where is Tjay?"

"He had to go check in with his manager. Something about time off. I don't care, I just want her to stop screaming." She began rubbing Nala's stomach.

"Taking care of a baby is tough work my love. But, guess what... you'll forever love her." Shayy smiled. After a few minutes, Nala's cries ceased and she began letting loose.

"Eww Nala." Natasha scrunched up her nose.

"Don't eww her. Babies get gas too and if they aren't helped out to get that release, they will scream at the top of their lungs." Shayy explained.

"Oh." Natasha looked at her daughter who'd fell asleep. "I will remember that."

"Trust, there is a lot you will remember." Shayy smiled. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Um, lasagna?"

"That does sound good. I'm going to the store. Text me if you need anything and please cover her up. It's cold in this house." Shayy left the room.

Natasha looked at her daughter and smiled. She was exhausted but she was happy she went through with the pregnancy. Nala was definitely a blessing. Before she even knew it, she passed out right next to Nala.

Shayy came back, along with Tjay. He helped her get the bags inside so that she could began cooking. He looked stressed out. She could tell something was bothering him.

They stepped into the kitchen and placed the bags on the counter. Shayy watched him unload the bags. She washed her hands and took out the pans, utensils and seasonings she would need. Tjay grabbed a drink out the fridge and hesitated on leaving the room.

"Sit. Talk." Shayy said to her son-in-law.

"It's nothing." He shook his head. 

"Tjay, have a seat and tell me what is going on." Shayy repeated. She began making dinner.

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