|21| Quickie Part 2

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The week went by fast. The plans were set. The gown was picked out. The day was here and Natasha couldn't have been more nervous. Although this wasn't the big wedding, she was still legally getting married to Tjay. They would be husband and wife. She was twenty-two (in two months) and in less than a year, her whole life had completely flipped.

This ceremony was definitely going to be a major step in growth for her. She would be responsible for making someone else happy. She would be out of her parents' house. She would be preparing to be responsible for another person's life. This was a new journey.

"You look like you're about to have a panic attack." Shayy stooped down in front of her to strap her shoes.

"Mama, I'm scared." She started obsessively playing with the necklace Tjay bought her for the evening.

"Do you really love him?"


"Do you believe that he really loves you?"


"Do you see yourself being with anyone else?"


"Do you believe that you'll be able to raise kids together? Argue and makeup? Compromise? Build together?"

"I believe so. I really hope so. Yes, we should be able to. We've done okay so far."

"Then, there shouldn't be anything you're afraid of. I was terrified for a moment. Your father had to come to the door and calm me down. Remind me that we had a good life before the wedding and that we would have a good life afterwards. Life in general is scary. You can either let it scare you  or own it and do the things that scare you."

"I love you, mommy." Natasha hugged her.

"I love you too baby. You look beautiful."

"I don't want to get married twice. I want this to be the wedding."

"It is pretty nice. Have you talked to Tjay about it?"

"He's okay with it. I really liked what you guys put together." She stared at herself in the mirror.

"Are you ready princess?" Cyrus strutted in. "It's almost time."

"Yes Uncle Cy. I love the set up. It is so beautiful." She stood and hugged him then Macon.

"A little birdie told me that this is going to be your only wedding, so after you left yesterday, we did a bit of sprucing up and pulled..."

"More like bent and twisted, some strings to make this the wedding you would absolutely love. Your gown has also been altered." Macon finished for his husband.

"Your aunt Camille used her excellent designer skills and made you something extremely lovely." Shayy smiled.

"Both sides of the family are here too. No one wanted to miss this, even if you said it was something small. Uncles, Aunts, cousins, grandparents, and-"

"Your big brother." Naris walked in with a huge smile.

"Naris!" Natasha hugged him. She was so happy to see the biggest pain in her ass. He handed her a little black box. "What's this?"

"Something new for you to wear." He smiled. She opened it to fine the most gorgeous stones ever. She hugged him again and put the earrings on.

"Well then, here is your something old." Mrs. Sheena, her mother-in-law who'd been fixing the bridesmaids up, said as she walked over. "This bracelet belonged to Troy's grandmother on his father's side, who passed it down to Troy's mother, who passed it on to me, and now it goes to you. You always pass it on to your first daughter in law."

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