|27| No Matter What Pt 1

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3 Days Later

"He found her." Nigel walked into Shayy's office at work. 

She was in the process of going over Naris' numbers from his art shows. He didn't trust anyone but his mother to look over his money. He didn't even want Nigel to do it. She was just about finished making sure everything was up to par when Nigel came in with the news.


"Yes. She actually lives in Atlanta right now. She's on her own. She's been emancipated since she was sixteen. She had a falling out with her adoptive parents. From what Kyle found out, it was because she found out she was adopted. She is graduating in two weeks."

"So, what's the next move?" Shayy asked finishing out Naris' numbers. She locked the account and sent him a text letting him know it was done.

"I want to get the DNA test. So, I want to make a trip to Atlanta."


"Later tonight."

"Whoa. Are you sure?" She stood up and walked around her desk and sat on his lap. He put his arms around her waist and held her.

"Yeah, you think Tasha would watch the kids so that you could go with me?"

"I think she would. She would probably want to go."

"True. But, she can't leave the house yet, can she?"

"She can." Shayy responded. "I told her to wait until her full six weeks, just to be sure she healed correctly before exposing herself to so much."

"Well, we should go first. Then, we can make a second trip."

"Alright, let's do that." Shayy kissed him. "Nervous?"

"You already know that woman." He laughed. "This shit is crazy. I might have another child."

"It'll be fine, I'm right there with you." She responded.

"You're the best thing that could happen to a man." He grabbed her face and kissed her once more. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. They held each other for a good minute, then a knock came at the door.

Shayy got up and went to open her office door. She was happy as hell to see who was on the other side. Naris and Christina both stood there with big smiles plastered on their faces. She pulled them in the office and closed the door. She hugged them both. Nigel walked over and did the same.

"Wow. I can't believe I'll have another neito soon." Nigel said looking at Christina's belly. She was due in a couple of months.

"Yeah, Abeulo Nigel y Abeula Shayy." Naris laughed.

"So, are you going to teach him spanish?"

"Yeah. I want to." Naris looked between his parents. He remembered when Nigel found out him and Natasha were learning Spanish. It irritated him but they'd learned so much, he decided to continue teaching it at home.

"Isn't is funny how all of your kids and grandchildren will know Spanish?" Shayy laughed at Nigel. He wanted to avoid the second language for his kids so bad but that clearly didn't happen.

"Not funny but I'll take it as a positive. They'll get further ahead since it's a second language." He kissed her temple. "You two ready to be parents?"

"As ready as first time parents are." Christina responded. "Can I please sit down?"

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry sweetie." Shayy said leading her to the chair. "You would think I would remember to offer you a seat. I flipped out during my pregnancy if there was no seat."

"I got your email, Ma." Naris said looking at his phone. "I appreciate that."

"Anytime, my love. So, we are happy that you're here but we are actually on our way to Atlanta." Shayy said. "You know nothing has changed in your room, keys are still the same. Make yourselves at home. There's food in the fridge too."

"What's in Atlanta?" Naris asked.

"Uh, Natasha has another sibling there." Nigel said.

"Wait, what?" Naris and Christina both said.

"Maria had another baby. Your father may have another child." Shayy clarified. 

"Whoa." The room grew quiet.

"We will fill you in once we come back. Since you are here, you wouldn't mind looking out for your brothers and sister, would you?"

"No problem, Ma. Y'all have a safe trip. We'll see you at the house." Naris helped Christina up from her seat. They left the office and headed to the house. 

Shayy and Nigel made arrangements with their pilot for their private Jet, booked a hotel and called one of her Atlanta stylists to deliver a few clothes to the room, pronto. They closed up their accounts and checked in with their teams and Marcos. Cyrus and Macon had it all under control and soon they were heading out into the warm Spring night.





Shayy and Nigel spent their night in Atlanta looking through files that Kyle had given them. He'd already gotten in contact with Mariana and let her know that Nigel would be there and calling her soon for the DNA test. She was nervous but wanted to know if she had a living biological parent out in the world. Nigel also wanted to make sure he was taking care of his children, even the one he didn't know about for eighteen years. 

Looking through the dates and information that Kyle had given him, for the millionth time, he knew this child had to be his. He just hoped that whatever came out of this, it wouldn't run his wife away. He believed her to a certain extent but he was honestly scared that she wouldn't be as willing to get to know another human being he created. Natasha and Naris had fourteen years to build their bond with Shayy. There was no telling how things would go with Mariana.

"You okay, baby?" Shayy asked as they walked to the hot tub to relax before the morning.

"Yeah, just a lot on my mind." He responded as they dropped their towels. He watched her as she headed for the hot tub. You couldn't even tell the woman would be thirty-five at the end of the year.

"Like what?" She asked stepping in.

"You. This lost child. My life." He said stepping in himself. He walked right into her arms. He needed to hold her. She was his everything.

"What about me?" She was confused. She could why he was worried about the lost child and his life. Having another child would mean altering things so that she could fit in with the rest of them. It meant caring for another life. But, her? What did she have to do with anything.

"I don't want this to run you away." He admitted.

"You must not have a lot of faith in our relationship or my love for you." She looked up at him. He looked down into her face. "I love you. We shared vows and I meant every word. I'm here through thick and thin, for better or for worse, sickness and health..you know?" She smiled at him. "We'll get through anything. I don't see this as anything to argue over or see anything  that would cause us to fall apart. Let's meet her, take the test, if she's not yours, we'll test Natasha, if she matches, cool. I don't have any issues. I'm here with you one hundred percent."

"I love you. I appreciate you loving me. I appreciate everything we've done together. You make me a better man."

"You make me a  better woman. That's what this marriage is about. I'm not going anywhere unless you want me too. Even then, I might fight you on it." She laughed. He chuckled too and kissed her.

"Is it bad that I don't want to be in this hot tub anymore." He looked her up and down. His erection was growing at the thought. He examined her with an appreciative eye.

"Well, we are in a nice suite, away from the kids. We can be loud if we want..." She smirked.

"I love when you're loud." He kissed her lips and was soon dragging her back to their room.

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