| Epilogue|

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1 year later

Time flew by,  the Rodriguez family had been through a lot that year. The babies were growing up and so were the rest of them. They experienced life changing moments every time they turned their heads. There was always something going on with there being so many of them. It seemed as though they should've been a movie or had a book written about them.

Nigel & Shayy  were celebrating 17 years of marriage to each other. They were still running their business and making millions and spoiling their kids. They enjoyed life to the fullest and they wanted to make sure their kids did too. They spoiled their grandchildren even more and that was a full set up for disaster when it came time for Nala and Orlondo to go to school. They were however counting down the years until their youngest was out of the house and running the business, if he decided to, that way they could leave to their island for a long vacation. Shayy wasn't ready to retire from the business until she made it to her fifties, Lord's will. Nigel was okay with that. Whatever his wife wanted, she'd get.

Naris & Christina were still in their honeymoon phase after getting married six months ago. He couldn't wait to make her his woman, legally on paper. They were enjoying raising their child together and Florida was treating them a lot better than they could've ever expected. Naris' artwork was making it's way around the world as well as his music. He was working on collaborations with mainstream artists and things were really popping off for him. Christina was one step from being at the top of the company. Even with the maternity leave, she  was still doing her thing. Just as Shayy explained to her, give it your all, even when they don't expect you to. She was so happy that her family was turning into  success story. She'd made amends with his friends and thanked them for being stupid to bet him. That bet changed her life in ways she could have never imagined.

Tjay & Natasha were still living in and loving Arizona. Tjay was doing everything in his power to keep Natasha in a lifestyle that she was used to. He didn't want her to ever feel like she'd settled for something less because he wasn't as rich as her parents. Natasha thought it was beyond romantic that he would work so hard to provide for her like her parents but she didn't need him too. She was so in love with him that she would be okay with whatever he was able to provide...or even not able to provide. He did his best to prove that he was the man for her and in return, she was the best wife to him and the best mother to her child. He'd went out his way to get her back into modeling and now, she was modeling for maternity. Trey Reynolds was two months from entering the world and she couldn't have been more happy. There were times when she was a teenager that she didn't think she'd live to see the days she was living in now. As for Landon, he ended up becoming someone's bitch in jail and was terrified to even think about Natasha. He had horrible things coming his way if he did.

Mariana & Misha ended up moving to California after her year with at the family house. They both decided to become social workers to help children lost in the system find safe, healthy and happy homes. She wanted nothing more than to save as many kids as she could from going through what she went through. Misha, being so supportive decided to jump on that train and help her girlfriend. She was in love and soon planned to ask Mariana to marry her, of course with the permission of the Rodriguez family. She put Natasha in a tough place. She had to keep a secret from her sister because her best friend asked her too. Mariana was extremely close with her sisters now. She talked to Natasha and Synyai about everything. She was so happy to be where she was in life.

Synyai and Juan were now sixteen and beginning to experience more of life. Natasha and Mariana made sure Syn was aware of the dangers of dating and sex. They'd both experienced things that they never wanted their baby sister to experience. But as far as Synyai was concerned, she wasn't concerned with dating. Her future was way more important. She planned to keep her virginity for as long as she could. Juan wasn't really letting guys get that close to her anyways. He'd turned into a complete jock. He was still with the same girl he lied to his mother about and treated her like a princess. If he knew the guy wouldn't personally treat his sister the same as he treated his girl, he ran them off. Puberty did him well and turned him into a beast...with a big heart. Synyai didn't mind as most sisters would. She just wanted to focus on her dancing because in a little over one year, New York would be her home. Juan was still indecisive but being as talented as he was, he had so many options.

Nigel Junior  was still set on taking over his parents business. He studied and studied and studied everything he possibly could about the business. He'd gotten so advanced in his education that he was put in a special program for advanced students. He was way smarter than his teachers prior to this program and they just couldn't keep his attention. He knew it all. Shayy and Nigel were proud of their little creation and did whatever they had to in order for him to receive the proper education. They would only imagine when he began dating. The little girls would be so confused. Junior was going to be something way bigger than just a CEO of a multi-billion dollar accounting company. They see him owning so much more with his level of knowledge.





Just answer this one question, who's your favorite couple from this story and why?

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