|13| Big News

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2 weeks later

The tension in the house had died down completely. Things were back to normal and Nigel wasn't in his kids way. Shayy was beyond happy that he could see things their way. There was only one issue, Natasha's pregnancy.

Everyone decided not to give too much of their input. This pregnancy was between Tjay and Natasha. At the end of the day, if there was a baby delivered, they'd be the two responsible for the child. Nigel and Shayy made no decision for Natasha. She was now an adult and she was in a relationship with a stable man. She could take care of herself.

Shayy sat in the doctors office with Natasha. Tjay would not support this decision and Shayy was the only reasonable option for this situation. She sat in silence as they waited for Natasha to be called back. Natasha was nervous and jittery to prove it. She couldn't believe she was about to get rid of her child. She'd lose two major things in her life in a matter of minutes. Tjay wouldn't be there and she'd be getting rid of their baby. She broke down in tears. Shayy reached over and pulled her into a hug. Although she didn't support the decision, Natasha was her daughter and she was going through a life changing situation.

"It's okay, baby girl." Shayy rubbed her hand up and down Natasha's back.

"I can't do it mommy." She sobbed into Shayy's shoulder.

"It's your decision." Shayy kissed the top of her head. "It's okay baby. It's okay."

Shayy took Natasha home and made her a light lunch; chicken soup and toast. She sat with her in the den and turned on the episode of Finding Carter they recorded. Natasha ate the soup and toast and then cuddled up under her mom. Shayy found herself shedding a few tears. She would have been truthfully hurt had Natasha gotten rid of the baby. To know that pain, she didn't wish it on any of her children.

"When I found out I was pregnant, I kept it from your father for awhile. When he found out, he was so hurt and confused at the fact that I kept it a secret. It is the craziest thing to keep a baby from a man that truly wants one, especially more than you do. I was not ready at all to have a baby. I didn't want one for another two years after I met your dad. I was still hung up on making sure you and Naris liked me. When I lost one of the triplets, I was a mess, a pure disaster. I didn't want to eat, get out of bed, or even live. I was a lost soul. Your dad didn't sleep for days because he was so worried about me. I had to force him to sleep one day. I'll never forget that day. I thought your dad was cheating on me."


"Vanessa. Some woman he used to date used you to get into the house, because you knew her. I walked in on them but Nigel was dead sleep."

"What'd you do?"

"I beat her ass. Nigel jumped out of bed, completely distorted. Needless to say, my knee connected with this balls and I moved out. He was sick. Day in and day out sending me some sort of gift or message. He was scared I'd leave his life for good with the twins."

"He's big on family."

"Had to be, his childhood wasn't the best."

"Are you saying the same will go for Tjay?"

"Not exactly the same but you could never go wrong with a man who loves you and wants the child more than you do." Shayy laughed. "I think you should go see him. Talk to him and make up."

"He probably won't answer the door."

"He most likely will." Shayy said.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too baby."

Natasha cleaned up and stepped into a pair of white leggings and a orange tank top. She slipped on her orange Gucci wedges and threw her hair in a bun. She was light on the makeup. She only wanted enough to look less deadly. She grabbed her bag and was out the door.

Family Business (L&B Sequel) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now