|18| Blessing

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Tjay was finally on his way home. He hadn't told Natasha that he was on his way but he knew she'd be happy. He reread her last letter over and over. She still loved him and was pregnant with his child, that's all he could ever want. He wanted to dedicate his life to building and supporting his family like his father and Nigel.


I can't wait to see you. I miss you so much! Did they say what day you would be coming home for sure? I want to be in your arms so bad. This is pure torture. How am I supposed to make it when you get deployed? Like, this is so unfair. To also think that you won't be available for the birth of our first child, it's so depressing. I wish you didn't have to go. But, I refuse to be selfish and hold you back from fighting for our freedom.

On another note, your child is so active. I'm only four months pregnant and I can feel him or her turning back flips in my belly. I can't wait to find out if it's going to be baby Nala or baby Troy. I do know that whoever it is in there is finally allowing me to eat. I seriously forgot how good my moms Shepard's pie was. I think next month, we'll know what we're having. Hopefully, I didn't inherit my father's DNA for multiples. I really hope you're not a man of multiples either.

Anyways, I haven't gotten over the constant sleepiness, so I will probably see you before you send another letter. Either way, I look forward to hearing from you.

I love you so much and I'm happy we're bringing a little angel into this world. Ugh, too bad we're not married. I always wanted to be married then have kids. But, as long as it's with you, I don't care what order it is. I love you. I can't wait to build our lives together, if that's what you really want, because that's what I really want. Okay, see you soon.

♥ Natasha Reynolds . . . I like the way that sounds. Don't you?

Natasha's letter confirmed a lot of things. Although she wanted to be married before the babies came, it was still knowledge that she wanted to marry him and she wanted a family with him. What he was hoping is that they could have the baby, get married and set up an arrangement for her to give her modeling career a shot. He'd already confirmed with a number of doctors about getting rid of stretch marks and quick ways of getting woman back in shape after giving birth. He would help her give her dreams a true shot. She deserved that after being through everything she'd been through since she hit puberty.

The train wasn't moving fast enough for Tjay. He was ready to hold his woman and see his family. He couldn't stop smiling thinking that in five months, a little person he helped create would be in this world. It was as terrifying as it was exciting. He would be responsible for a life. It would be completely different than being a body guard. Body guarding was protection from someone trying to harm the person. With being a parent responsible for a life, that meant protecting his child from harm along with making sure he or she was eating, clothed, healthy, loved and made into a decent human being. It would be crazy and he would do his best.

Later on that day, Tjay finally made it home. He went in and cleaned himself up. He checked out his house to make sure everything was in place and nothing went missing. It was all perfect. Both of his cars were still in place and his house keeper left a note saying she'd be back in the morning. He got dressed and headed out.

He pulled up to the Rodriguez's house and got out the car quickly. He walked up to the door and rang the bell. Shayy opened the door. He smiled big.

"You look beautiful." He hugged her.

"Thank you. You're looking great too. Come in." She stepped aside. "She's going to be so excited." 

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